Recently we had an Alumni professor come and speak at colloquium, he went by the name Monte. When he attended Pacific Union College, he was a teaching in the social work and psychology department. He spoke about the living in Angwin for 18 years before moving to Loma Linda to teach in the master’s program. His main goal of the presentation was to show the students and staff the new research he was working on in Loma Linda. He is it was the 74,973 dollar question. What a precise amount, however, this example was shown to bring light in the problems of Medicare. Before Monte started his teaching career, he was studying in the state of Utah working with programs for the elderly. Working for elderly programs involved a lot of research and managing. …show more content…
His father had a Trigeminal Neuralgia, which is a medical condition that causes chronic pain affecting the trigeminal nerve in the face. The symptoms of this condition range from mild to severe facial pain, often triggered by chewing, speaking, or brushing the teeth. One can only imagine the pain that occurs from having the slightest touch to cause muscle spasms or vibration of the face. His father had enough of the constant spasms that occurred constantly and resorted to getting surgery for it. They tried to find the best doctor that would be able to do the surgery. As a result, they ended up finding the best doctor in California and then preauthorized with Anthem blue cross. When Monte’s father decided to get the doctor for the service they and after the surgery was over, it was successful and his father was cured however, the total amount of the surgery was $80,381 dollars, Medicare helped with 3,093 dollars, which left them with 74,973 dollars to pay for themselves. This did not help out at …show more content…
We did not have the option to guess, only to know. By the end of the survey, it was shown that no one knew anything about the contracts that an insurance company provides. After that survey, he then gave us the same survey with a paper of the contract at hand this time a few were able to understand and know what the contract said. nonetheless, still only have the class did not understand and they had the copy of the contract, he wanted to make a point that contracts aren’t always so helpful and can actually confuse a person more. This made me realize that many agencies are not always truthful or helpful when showing you the contract. It is important to take action and do something about it. That is why Monte, is teaching in the research aspect of Social work, changing the way people think and sooner or later make a policy in the
The process of receiving and affording healthcare was, at the time, out of reach. Once my family was able to attain healthcare insurance, doctor visits were unpleasant. The physicians struggled to comprehend my parents’ needs, while my parents simultaneously struggled to understand the diagnoses provided by the physicians. These instances led to the frustrations of the physicians because of the communication barrier, which led to their inability to do their job at their full potential. Due to this dilemma, our visits to the doctor were few and far between.
Medical costs are getting too expensive. Ever fought with your insurance providers because they refused to pay for care, or struggle to find an “in-network” provider? I know a woman whose name I will change for her privacy and the struggles she is going through are a perfect example of an issue many people face when dealing with insurance; Nancy’s (name changed for privacy) story is a perfect example of how our healthcare system is no longer working for the people. Nancy is this woman whose husband recently passed away. Nancy used to work for county and county workers cannot receive social security; and Nancy is too
Latasha Willis, an intern at River Valley Area Agency on Aging, is currently at Troy University to obtain a Masters in Social Work (MSW).Latasha will be interning with the agency until July 2016 which is when she graduates with her Masters degree. She has earned her undergrad in Social Work (BSW) as well from Troy University in 2014. After graduating with her BSW, she worked with the Division of Family and Children Services as a CPS investigator in Butler, Ga. She also worked at the Division of Child Support Services as a Child Support Agent 2 in Columbus, Ga. She plans to continue working with seniors after her gained experience with interning at the agency.
This worker went out to meet the mother on the Walter case. This worker introduced this worker to Lamyia Walters. This worker gave Lamyia this workers contact information.
To conclude this report, there are four considerations of a legal and valid insurance contracts that patients may present at the provider’s office or clinic. The guide to understand and remember are as follows: (a) the patient or person insured must be a mentally competent adult and should not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol; (b) the insurance company must have a signed application and offer the policy to the patient, then the patient or person should accept the issuance of the policy without misrepresentation of facts on the application of the person being insured; (c) the services produced and sold or the exchange of value and the first premium payment should be submitted with the application considered must be presented together; and (d) there should be a legal purpose which is an insurable interest in the case of a person’s healthcare insurance policy. These are good guidelines to know and understand for the success of an administrative life cycle of a physician-based claim (CMS
“LaRita Jacobs resident of Seminole, Florida, who gets insurance through the job of her husband. She has an annual family income of 70,000 dollars. She says 7,500 dollars per year in out-of-range costs kept her from dealing with an arthritis-related neck problem until it got so severe that she could not lift a spoon. She is now holding her shoulder surgery off because her family is struggling with paying bills.” (Laura Ungar and Jayne O'Donnell, USA TODAY)
On Tuesday, September 29th my partner and I had the opportunity to interview a 55-year-old patient named Tom at LA County Hospital, admitted nine days prior for injuries he sustained after being struck by a city vehicle. His injuries were quite apparent the moment we sat down with him: his right foot bandaged up, having been crushed by the vehicle’s tires, abrasions and bruising all over his lower limbs and worst of all, a broken pelvis. Yet despite the bad shape he was in, Tom was kind enough share his life story with us and provide the limited knowledge he had about his insurance history.
Patients with long-term, chronic illnesses like Mr. Davis’s, care can be very costly, especially when the patient is unable to maintain routine medical care or visits and medications. Without routine medical care and maintenance medications, patients like Mr. Davis tend to have more frequent emergency room visits and hospitalizations; increasing costs for state and local government as well as tax payers. Though Mr. Davis is able to receive care during an emergency room visit, the providers are not fully aware of his health history and are only able to provide a temporary fix of his symptoms and not address his health care needs.
In this article the writer, Greg Silver, starts out by talking about a 25 year old waitress who has broken her arm, and has no insurance or money for the medical bills. Due to these reasons her arm healed on its own but healed crooked. This has caused it to be painful for her to hold a tray while working. She asked the writer what was she supposed to do. Greg Silver has been a primary care physician for 30 years now and he’s heard so many stories from Americans who don’t have insurance or the money for their medical bills, so they suffer in pain. “Even with the affordable care act we leave 28 million people without any coverage.” He talks about how we need a streamlined single-payer program that would provide universal coverage for everyone, “such as Rep. John Conyers’ House Resolution 676 and Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Senate Bill 1804.”
In 2012-2013, Mr. Carl Heastie, Assembly man for the North-East Bronx, was instrumental in restoring the budgetary costs to cover the Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) program. Prior to his involvement, seniors enrolled in the EPIC program, were forced to pay up to 25% of the cost of each medication. With his input in the decision making, the co-pay, was decreased to &20,00 for payment for each prescription. This paper will attempt to show, his commitment towards this health care issues, intended to be depicted during a set interview with him.
The deposition of Dr. Joe Gonzales occurred on March 16, 2016. Dr. Gonzalez was retained by Plaintiff as an expert in this case and was requested to prepare a life care plan for Plaintiff’s future medical care needs. Dr. Gonzales has served as a life care planner since 1988, when he received is license to practice medicine. He became a certified life care planner in 2006. He is a medical doctor in San Antonio who is board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation, pain medicine, and occupational and environmental medicine. Half of his work consists of treating patients and the other half consists of preparing life care plans related to litigation. When he does life care planning work, 85-90% of that work is on behalf of the plaintiffs in the respective litigation. He sees on average 20-50 patients a week in his medical practice. He has not practiced in a hospital in at least 10 years.
The quick, impressive economic growth that began in the United States in the 1920’s quickly changed into the longest economic decline in the history of the world by the 1930’s. As the culture adjusted to the financial reductions, the literature during that time also altered. The overarching themes and tones that writers used in their published works dramatically changed. During the 1920’s, commonly referred to as the Jazz Age, innovation and technology production was at an all-time high. Writers reflected the atmosphere of the 1920’s by portraying the hopeful attitude. However, the new advancements could no longer be afforded when the 1930’s began. Instead, people struggled to pay for investments and purchases from the previous
In 1914 when war was declared in Europe, America adopted a policy of neutrality and isolation. When news of trench warfare and the horrors associated with it reached the shores of America, it confirmed to the government that they had made the right choice. Their approach had the full support of a majority of Americans, many of which could not believe that Europe, a civilized entity, could descend into the depths of carnage as depicted by trench warfare.
Caffeine is a plants toxic defense mechanism that is commonly consumed by humans. This caffeine is located in the nectar of plants and is use to prevent herbivores from eating the plant. In this study they observed two caffeine producing plants, Citrus and Coffea in order to provide evidence that the caffeine compound alters pollinator behavior by enhancing their memory due to this “caffeinated award”. They had measured caffeine in nectar of three species of Coffea (C.canephora, C.arabica and C.libercia) and four species of Citrus ( C. paradise, C maxima, C. sinesis and C. reticulata) using liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy. The median caffeine concentration for both genera was no significantly different P>0, and if present it ranged from 0.003 to 0.253 mM. It was found that caffeine was more common in C.
Going through the selected policies. Policies are legally binding. There are consequences in case a party fails to adhere to terms and conditions. Going through terms and conditions of selected covers will help you determine if it suits you or not. A person should go ahead and sign an insurance policy if the terms favor him.