
Long And Sappy Post Hehe: A Short Story

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*WARNING - Long and Sappy Post hehe A year ago around this hour I met a "guy" for drinks and dinner... I was down in Whittier and had time and figured after months of texting and chatting, but never meeting why not just ask to meet up. Little did I know (and I know for him as well did he know) that it was going to be an evening where we can look back a year ago and wonder...what happened. I remember he (Peter) walked up after getting off of work and he had this beautiful ( where's waldo stripped shirt on... he hugged me and said "nice to finally meet you" he gave me butterflies instantaneous and we went in and had sushi and drinks...about 6-7 rolls... 3-4 appetizers and some drinks, we were not playing and were on a mission haha... we had great conversation, we were off our phones everything flowed.. we shared food, storied, dug a little bit …show more content…

the evening was AMAZING. I thought it was over, but it wasn't. Peter asked me if I wanted to grab a drink, I of course said yes! we went to a little whiskey bar in Long Beach and had some drinks, here we were a little more comfortable with each other and maybe i touched his arm and he grabbed my leg, i remember it like if it was yesterday. He went through my phone...completely.... pictures...videos....there was not much he would not know that night leaving (Still embarrassed about that haha) I

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