
Long Beach For My Clinical Rotation

Decent Essays

I had the privilege of going to Smith Elementary School in Long beach for my clinical rotation. I didn 't know what to expect before going in, but as soon as I walked in, I was greeted with friendly smiles. Nurse Olga was the most friendliest nurse and she showed me how things worked around her facility. They have computer system program that shows all the teachers can look at to find out their student’s health conditions. The nursing office had pretty much all the basic equipments that she would need to take care of her patients. My activities included signing in patients as they came in, prioritizing care based on complaints. Checking patient 's temperature was very common and I had to call several parent to pick up their children due to fever and malaise. I learned how to give vision and hearing test to children. Couple patients had routine medications like Albuterol and Clonidine. Most of all I had to treat basic wound care. As I observed Nurse Olga’s daily routine, she practices all the components of the community based care. She taught her patients on self care, preventive care, continuity of care, and collaborative care. Her role as a teacher was that she told her patients on how to care for their wounds and how to take their medications. She told them what they can do to prevent from getting hurt in the playground. Couple students were daily visitors because they had chronic conditions like asthma and they needed their regular Albuterol inhalers.

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