
Long Tan Film Analysis

Decent Essays

Brink Production’s latest performance Long Tan, directed by Chris Drummond, takes his audience directly amid the infamous battle of the Vietnam War in less than two hours of heart-warming companionship and immersive carnage. Set on the stormy afternoon of August 16th, 1966, the play follows Delta Company, an infantry battalion comprising of ten young and rigorously trained soldiers from the Royal Australian Regiment, as Drummond presents the war between the Viet Cong and Australians from both sides in a nonlinear narrative. Compiled and constructed from a list of interviews from Vietnam veterans and families of those, Verity Laughton’s script showcases the battle in its best and worst, overwhelming the audience with history through a powerful Verbatim theatrical style whilst exploring themes of warfare, mateship, discipline, family, …show more content…

Through a melange of performance elements including a symbolic set, era-specific costumes, cinematic and theatrical lighting, riveting monologues and actor’s performance, Drummond’s immersive piece ultimately commemorates those who sacrificed their lives for the survival of Australia. Wendy Todd’s simple, yet strategically symbolic set, supported Drummond’s intention of engrossing his audiences into the scene, as her traverse rostrum ran right through the centre of the auditorium, effectively causing the audience to surround the cast and centre our focus on the vulnerable characters. While allowing for stylistic decisions, such as actors rolling off the sides of the stage to represent appearing in trenches, this also made the audience part of the action, symbolising the enclosing jungle around the actors and even the enemy themselves. This was notable throughout the performance, as Delta Company silently crossed the stage in a steady, yet ready manner, slowly observing the audience with guns poised

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