
Long Term Care Services Essay

Decent Essays

Long-term care service is the system of activities undertaken by informal caregivers (family and friends) or by formal caregivers (professionals) for persons who are not fully capable of self-care on a long-term basis [1]. Traditionally, long-term has been provided by the family who serve as informal caregivers. They perform activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing as well as instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) such as cooking [2]. Home health care can be provided by family, nurses or paid helpers for older adults with mild disabilities who live at home. Compared with facility care, home health care tends to depend more on help from the family in conjunction with formal services because it is provided at home [3].
Research has shown significant positive evidence on the effects of the presence and characteristics of a family caregiver on the use of long-term care [4]. Findings showed the elderly who had a spouse as a caregiver used home healthcare services more often than nursing home services. In fact, 88.3% of older adults who were receiving long-term care services had family caregivers. This is similar to a study demonstrating that most American elderly people who received home health care had family as caregivers or paid helpers …show more content…

A dog and a parrot will be bought so Mama can take the responsibility of walking and caring for the dog and feeding the parrot. This would form part of her regular exercise routine. She loves dogs and would be excited at having one to care for. Being an avid reader, she will be registered in a senior book near a local library within 5 minutes walking distance from my apartment. This would offer her a social atmosphere where can meet new friends as well as keep her mental state healthy. In addition, she would also be registered at a senior fitness club (especially Yoga which she loves) and we would both attend weekly church service

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