
Long-Term Effects Of Air Pollution On Children

Decent Essays

Pollution is a term that is much talked about and discussed in different forms throughout mass media. Air pollution is one such prominent form that refers to the contamination of the air due to harmful gases entering into the atmosphere. Which may cause adverse effects on human health and the environment. Air pollution has natural and man-made causes, and leads to respiratory diseases and the depletion of the ozone layer. Air pollution is separated into natural and anthropogenic (human-made). Natural causes of air pollution includes forest fires and volcano eruptions as well as the breakdown of organic material by bacteria into the atmosphere. However, anthropogenic causes are of the most concern and are much discussed due to the …show more content…

The different kinds of air pollution and time of exposure can lead to diverse effects which can adversely affect the respiratory system and organs. The effects range from mild upper respiratory irritation to asthma, chronic bronchitis and lung cancer. In children, air pollution can lead to acute and chronic respiratory infections. In a study from the Southern California Children’s Health, which observed the long-term effects of air pollution on children. Researchers found that those who grew up in heavily polluted areas face the increased risk of having underdeveloped lungs. Which as time passes may never recover to their full capacity (72). Additionally, short and long term exposure to air pollution has been “linked to premature mortality and reduced life expectancy.” (Kampa, Marilena, and Castanas …show more content…

One such action government-funded research into developing clean, renewable, and environmentally-friendly energy sources in order to replace fossil fuels. In a study by national academies, the U.S. derives 85 percent of its energy from fossil fuels compared to the 7 percent acquired from renewable sources. (2) These sources such as solar and wind will produce little to no carbon emissions. A further action is for State and local officials to enforce strict regulations and an emissions inspection on vehicles and industrial facilities to reduce atmospheric pollutants. Some of the many actions that each individual can take is to replace fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs with LED light fixtures. LED lights are more efficient than fluorescent lights and incandescent bulbs. Also individuals can help reduce air pollution is by turning off electronics appliances when not in use and also making use of public modes of transportation and use of

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