
Looking Out for Number One T.H. Breen

Better Essays

Bri Swartley

An Analysis of Looking Out for Number One:
Conflicting Cultural Values in Early Seventeenth-Century Virginia by: T.H. Breen

I believe what Breen is trying to say in his essay is that the Englishmen that came to Virginia were very different from the settlers of other colonies and they had a much different society develop than what was typical in the other colonies. They were a highly individualistic society. Breen believes that the personalities of those who came to Virginia were, in part what caused Virginia 's society to become so individualistic. Being so individualistic didn 't exactly work out so well for the structure of society or the well being of the colonists. Breen says that the first people to …show more content…

Virginia had a slave population of 187,600 in 1770 (135). This number is more than double that of any other colony at the time.

4. I do agree with Breen 's point of view and for the most part it agrees with our text. I would probably be more likely to agree with Breen that the people of Virginia did not form a military band and fight back against the Indians especially how the text talks about Indians remaining a strong presence. It wouldn 't make much sense for the Indians to remain a strong presence if they are constantly being attacked by the settlers. I think the reason that the Indians stayed around is because Virginia was not effectively fighting them off because they didn 't have any type of formalized military, or formalized anything for that matter, not even schools.

5. Slavery in New York City, 1731 ALAW For Regulating Negroes and Slaves in the Night Time I don 't think that this document had too much to do with Breen 's essay Looking Out For Number One but rather it comes slightly later. I do think that the drastic rise in slave labor shows how Virginia was willing to exploit people in order to turn a profit and how it would be necessary for them to enact laws regulating the liberties of slaves to keep them from rising up when the population

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