
Lord Northcliffe And Alfred Harmsworth And Rupert Murdoch

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As time was advancing so was the brains seen in todays society, and even tough, journalism couldn’t be pin pointed to one person’s success I believe that there is two very important people who play a big part in too why media is the way it is today. One being contemporary to today’s journalism, and the other, being pioneering. I have chosen to look Lord Northcliffe or otherwise known as Alfred Harmsworth and Rupert Murdoch. Alfred Harmsworth 1st Viscount Northcliffe was the eldest child of Alfred Harmsworth who was born on 1837 and died in 1889 he was a barrister, his wife, Geraldine Maffett Harmsworth was born in 1838 and died in 1925. Lord Northcliffe was born in Chapelizod near Dublin, on 15th July, and died on August 14th, 1865. He was the owner of the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror. He was a pioneer of popular journalism, and he exercised vast influence over British popular opinion. Lord Beaverbrok said he was "the greatest figure who ever strode down Fleet Street.” His aim was to encourage the more written journalism to be aimed at the working class and he was also tending to emphasize more personal topics. He played a powerful position in the First World War. He was highly outspoken and did not agree with censorship of his papers. He looked up to Napoleon, when he tried on his hat he wasn’t afraid to make a remark on how well it fitted him. His first successes were shown in 1888 when he was not quite 23 and he bought out the first edition of Answer and

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