
Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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Over thousands of years of civilization, leaders have achieved success and also obtained misfortune. The fashion in which they achieve their success differs from one another. What makes one leader better than another depends on the scenario. It is hard to quantify this because each leader has their own unique qualities. However, for the most part, the shift and yearning of power is what corrupts. In Lord of the Flies, the author William Golding uses the dynamics of power to develop how the desire and shift of power causes chaos and creates an uncivilized environment. In Lord of the Flies, the desire and shift of power is what ends up breaking the boys ' feeble attempt at civilization. It is ruined through conflict and unnecessary competition. Jack’s use of tyrannical leadership, Ralph’s loss of control with his democratic leadership style and Roger’s attempt to gain power are all examples of how the thirst for power ends causing corruption on the island. Absolute power corrupts and potentially defined power creates a greater society.

Over time, Ralph gets more mature and becomes better prepared for his role as chief. He represents a democratic society ruled by one leader. His leadership style, uses power for the prosperity of his fellow boys and law and order. Throughout the novel, Ralph tries his best to create a society based on survival and the hope of being rescued. Ralph attempts to keep the fire as the base for his group. He knows that fire and smoke is their best

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