
Lord Of The Flies Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

Some people are stronger than others, weaker than others, but the beauty is that no one is perfect. In the novel Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, there is a group of young boys stranded after a plane crash. Each of them has their own redeeming qualities, but they also have weaknesses and issues to overcome. Some have more work to do than others, but everyone has a struggle within themselves throughout the novel and eventually, the characters morph into a better or worse version of themselves. Jack has nearly every good quality of a leader: intelligence, military prowess, ambition, common sense, courage, power, mental strength, culture diversity, and a tad of humility and physical strength. However, he tends to have a one-track mind when it comes to his pride. He is vengeful, quick to become bitter, arrogant, and rude, which leads to his inability to listen to others of good reason, such as Piggy, when these poor qualities are in play. Jack, unfortunately, loses to his worst characteristics. On the other hand, Ralph is a courageous, optimistic child with physical strength, power, and plentiful energy to get things done when …show more content…

They are two in one, which can be a pro or con; either twice the work gets done, or twice the work doesn’t get done. They are loyal, but when push comes to shove, they will choose which ever is in their best interest, regardless if it’s betraying their original loyalty. Just as this could be a pro, it’s more of a con: they aren’t individuals. They don’t know how to do something without the other and have ended up being referred to as Samneric. For example, they let the fire go out because they didn’t know how to take turns; they either stay up together or sleep together and they chose sleep. Sam and Eric made the most subtle change to a worse version of themselves than any other characters in the novel, but it was still a negative

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