
Loss Of A Grieving Parent Essay

Decent Essays

As for Lamar he not only had to resolve his mistakes, but he also was grieving the loss of his mother. His father, Mr. Washington, the parent that he had left was not there for him or his brother Xavier. As stated by Helping a Child Cope with the Death of a Parent article states keeping communication open with children and young people can be the greatest challenge for a grieving parent/caregiver as not all children may not necessarily wish to talk, but they need to be able to express their grief and sadness; telling their story is a healing practice. Grief can be a lonely experience for children, here is were love and affection play a strong role for children to be reassured that they are loved even though they are solving and experiencing situations on their own. …show more content…

She spent a lot of her time by herself; worked for her supper, serving soup and cleaning up dishes, as she worked hard she had a man watching her. Poor Kurt was his name and soon they became friends. “The Fathers had inspired a feeling of charity in me. But did I dare to walk into the lions’ den (LeZotte 57)? Paula took the chance of making a decision on her own and go with Kurt to Berlin. Berlin was not the place she should be and she knew that, but she wanted to see for her own what was happening in her country. She knew the consequences of her actions. She ran away with Kurt and found themselves living briefly with a Jewish family in hiding who had taken them in. As her disability was the cause of her fleeing her home away from all her loved ones, she soon learns that this family that reminded her so much of her own, are also in danger for being Jewish. It is a big milestone for her, as she wants to head back to get the family help. She is thinking on her own, experiences life, and trying to figure a solution to the

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