How to regain your footing when an unexpected loss occurs that leaves you feeling isolated and alone
Whatever the manner of death, any unexpected loss of a loved one would bring out the worst in us. While we weather the bereavement period, which is a highly charged and traumatic time due to the emotions and effects involved, we should also brace up for the period after the funeral or memorial service. It is a time of uncertainty as we struggle to confront the massive gap or void left behind by our loved one’s demise. It is when our confidence and self-esteem hit rock bottom.
We may be at our lowest without the people who mean the world to us – our parents, spouses, children, sweethearts – especially if they pass away due to critical illness
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While we grieve, we should also give way to reason. We may have lost a loved one – we should not lose ourselves too. We should strive to regain our confidence after the loss of a loved one.
How could survivors regain their confidence after an unexpected death of a loved one? Here are some suggestions:
• Forgive yourself and the deceased. Whatever unfinished business or past conflict there is between you and the deceased, recognize it as finished and unchangeable. No relationship is perfect, and shortcomings occur on both sides, but everything is all in the past now. Forgive the deceased and yourself, and reflect on the good times.
• Lean on faith. If you are a religious/spiritual person, take the time to pray or meditate, read the scripture, attend a religious service, visit a church or temple, or go on a pilgrimage. Such activities help you find inner strength and boost your self-confidence in the most uncertain times.
• Express yourself. Regain your confidence after the loss of a loved one through other forms of expression other than crying. You could take up painting or music; write a book, poem or song dedicated to the deceased; make a scrapbook or photo album; any activity that will help you heal and express yourself in creative
The experience of a person losing a loved one is very difficult to accept and then cope with. “He gets all teary telling about the good times they had together, how her brother made the war seem almost fun.” pg. 67-68 (Tim O’Brien). Losing someone close to you is hard to accept because once their gone things don’t feel the same anymore and you just can’t stop thinking about them and the memories you guys shared together. It’s also very hard to cope with because you’re so used to having that person around and when their no longer there you feel so empty and that feeling is so horrible. Having to deal with the fact that someone who was so special to you is no longer there isn’t easy to accept.
Even though death is inevitable, it is quite clear that people can devise methods under which they can cope with the loss of their loved ones; for instance, their immediate relatives if not friends. Drawing practical guidelines from this book, one can constructively come up with communication strategies that may have encouragement to those who have lost their loved ones. This initiative encourages
Grief is a natural response to a major loss, though often deeply painful and can have a negative impact on your life. Any loss can cause varied levels of grief often when someone least expects it however, loss is widely varied and is often only perceived as death. Tugendhat (2005) argued that losses such as infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, adoption and divorce can cause grief in everyday life. Throughout our lives we all face loss in one way or another, whether it is being diagnosed with a terminal illness, loss of independence due to a serious accident or illness, gaining a criminal record (identity loss), losing our job, home or ending a relationship; we all experience loss
The death of an individual who was once very close to you can be hard to cope with. Dealing with death isn’t easy for everyone as it can result in one’s mental, emotional or even financial downfall.
Death is a universally experienced phenomenon. In the United States alone, over 2.6 million people die each year (Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2015). For practitioners, it is of utmost importance to better understand the process of grief to develop better interventions for bereaved individuals.
control the situation, mourn the loss and move on with your life keeping them in your daily thoughts.
Life involves many losses. There are small losses: losing a football game, failing a test, or forgetting an assignment. At some point, though, all of us will experience a major loss: the death of a close family member, a major illness, or a divorce in the family. Loss is inevitable for all of us. If you have ever experienced grief and loss, or if you are currently experiencing it, then you might be trying to recover the wrong way. You might believe that you have gotten over it, but it could come back even years later. When it comes to grief and loss, there are a lot of components that people do not understand, but today there are many methods to coop that will lead you down the path of healing.
Everyone deals with the loss of a loved one in their own way. While some may shut themselves away for days on end, others may throw themselves into activities that keep them busy enough to forget their pain. After serving Milford, Bridgeport and Stratford for over 100 years, there are four tips that the funeral planning professionals at Adzima Funeral Home recommend for starting the healing process:
By listening and being socially supportive for individuals who experienced a significant loss is very important. Also, our society should give people a significant amount of time off to spend with family and cope with the death of a loved one. I believe people need to be more empathetic when interacting with individual’s who lost a loved one.
Every sane person will experience grief or bereavement at one stage of their life. Bereavement is defined as a state of intense grief, such as after the loss of a loved one. In this essay we will explore the various causes of bereavement and the effects it can have on an individual’s life.
A loss is something most people find difficult to deal with. A term commonly used to refer to loss is been bereavement, which is the position of having lately departed with someone important in one’s life through death. It is normal in the human world to experience such a loss and people ought to know how to manage such experiences when they do happen. Bereavement is never easy; it is a period that individuals experience too much suffering that leaves them feeling vulnerable. Some people are also at risk of developing physical health and mental problems. It can take months or
The passing of a loved one is a universal experience and every person will experience loss or heartache, at some point in their life. Some people obviously appear upset, some do not, grief is individual, dependent on; age, gender, development stage, personality, their normal stress reactions, the support available, their relationships or attachments, other death experiences, how others react to their own grief around them (Thompson & Hendry, 2012).
Loss is a phenomenon that is experienced by all. Death is experienced by family members as a unique and elevated form of loss which is modulated by potent stages of grief. Inevitably, everyone will lose someone with whom they had a personal relationship and emotional connection and thus experience an aftermath that can generally be described as grief. Although bereavement, which is defined as a state of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one, is a universal experience it varies widely across gender, age, and circumstance (, 2015). Indeed the formalities and phases associated with bereavement have been recounted and theorized in literature for years. These philosophies are quite diverse but
The life transition of death and dying is inevitably one with which we will all be faced; we will all experience the death of people we hold close throughout our lifetime. This paper will explore the different processes of grief including the bereavement, mourning, and sorrow individuals go through after losing someone to death. Bereavement is a period of adaptation following a life changing loss. This period encompasses mourning, which includes behaviors and rituals following a death, and the wide range of emotions that go with it. Sorrow is the state of ongoing sadness not overcome in the grieving process; though not pathological, persistent
A loss is something most people find difficult dealing with. A term mostly used to refer to loss is bereavement which is the position of having lately departed with someone important in one’s life through death. It is normal in the human world to experience such a loss and people ought to know how to manage such experiences when they do happen. Bereavement is never easy; it is a period that individuals experience too much suffering that leaves them feeling vulnerable. Some people are also at risk of developing physical health and mental problems. Adjusting can take as long as a few months up to years depending on the individual in question.