
Loss Of Innocence In 'Jasper Jones'

Decent Essays

Loss of innocence in ‘Jasper Jones’ helps us understand that everyone is forced to grow up, and not be so naïve. Throughout the novel Charlie experiences a progressive journey, and encounters numerous events in which a 13 year old boy shouldn’t be exposed too, and which change a persons life, and how they look at things. This is first evident when Jasper takes Charlie to Laura Wishart’s hanging body in this moment Charlie is capsulated into adulthood. He states “But I don’t turn back. I stay. I follow Jasper Jones. And I see it. And everything changes, Sudden tears sting my eyes. I really don't want to cry, but I'm angry. And stunned. And I'm very afraid”. Parataxis is used, by having short sharp sentences it conveys the sense of assurance.

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