
Love And Chivalry: The Importance Of Chivalry

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Today, chivalry can be observed in the bonds of love, friendship, and most importantly, family. Throughout time, chivalry became long forgotten, but it just is not seen vividly anymore. Chivalry has adapted to the way of modern life, we see chivalry in the way you greet others. Or how a clerk or waiter/waitress says hello and asks polite questions.

In the idea or the feeling of love, a gentleman will open doors, pull out chairs, and carry things. Not because she is helpless or unable, but because he wants to show her how much she means and what a value her love is to him. Chivalry, respect, care. These come naturally to and anyone who even has an idea of being a good person. Any man can treat a lady right for one night, but it takes …show more content…

The true foundation of love and bravery, a man or anyone else would not be the way they are without a family. “Yes, I’m an old knight. My armor may be dented, tarnished; my sword has rust, but i will defend those I love. It’s not my promise, it’s my purpose.” Not everyone may like you, but the people who love you are not everyone. Knights protect their home, their friends, but most importantly, the ones they love. A knight, cop, fireman, father, etc. all face the probabilities of their family in trouble, tragedy, or falling into the darkness of death. In a family, a single heart beats, it beats for the husband, the wife, and the children. That heart is the strength, the love that pushes a man to protect his peers, his friends, and most importantly, his loved ones. A family is the foundation of a strength unseen physically, but is felt between all who share the same thought of each other. The friend you have had for fourteen years, you wouldn’t say they are your friend or best friend, they are family. They have stuck by your side when others have left and abandoned you, they stayed when you were in your darkest moments. Everyone has the right to leave another’s life. It’s the ones that stay that make you strong.

Friendship is a mutual bond shared by two or more people. Chivalry shines brightly in friendship by being loyal to one’s friend, not lying and stabbing them in the back. Being a true friend means, being honest, being loyal, not being a snake. Treat others the way one would want to be treated. One’s friends and fellow knights, they will protect their friends till the very end. Friends share a bond that no one outside of the group will understand, there is a connection, an understanding that almost no one would ever feel the

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