
Love And Love In Life

Decent Essays

As humans, we naturally have the desire to be loved, whether by family, a close friend, a significant other, and etcetera. Either way, we hope to have these important people in our life so we may share our deepest desires and have someone to listen to us when we go through hardships. However, as humans, we also have the ability to feel lonely when we don’t have someone to lean on. Fortunately, the answer to these problems of loneliness and desolation is simple: it starts with prayer. Prayer is not just and rambling off of memorized words that have no meaning, but a lifting of our minds and hearts to God in praise and petition in a relationship of love (Singer-Towns 185). All people are called to prayer, whether through thanksgiving, petition, or adoration! Thanksgiving is the form of prayer where we give God gratitude for life and the gifts He has given us. Through this prayer form, we are able to be aware of what God has truly given us out of love for us and how he wants us to be satisfied (Singer-Towns 190). This is especially important in living the life of a disciple because, if we recognize that God has given us everything we see for our sake, we are able to praise Him and understand that His love is eternal for us. For example, when we see our Arizona sunsets, even acknowledging that God has created something so beautiful, we are expressing praise and thanks by seeing him through His gift. One of the most important thanksgiving celebrations one can participate in is

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