
Where Does Love Start?

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There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. ~ George Sand How many times have you received an “I love you” from someone? Where does love start? To ask these questions entail plenty of explanations. According to some people, love comes from the heart. It sometimes springs up out from someone’s heart unnoticed. In reality, love happens in the brain. It is really the brain that releases chemical signals to the heart to let it understand love. The most common love that is known to the world is love between a mother and a child and love between lovers. However, there are many types of love that one may experience. Love can be loving oneself or loving someone else. The love we have for a person may change over time into different forms of love. There are different types of love …show more content…

Be responsible towards our emotions. Not letting go of a “yes” just like throwing a trash. Love gets even better and sweeter if it is initiated by God. It gets even sweeter as you wait. The seven (7) years of Jacob’s wait for Rachel to be her wife felt as if days because he works while he waits (Genesis 29:18-21). When you keep on working and building your today according to the Lord’s ways, then, waiting would be pleasant. Check first the culture you are following now. Is it following God’s standards or the worlds’? We are in this world but this will come to last. Every one of us has an ending and we have a destination to go to. In Romans 12:2 (NLT) says, don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Let us not deny reality. It’s better not to rush. Everything has already been set in God’s plans. Wise enough to lead our own hearts. Don’t follow it; lead it, instead. Love is a wonderful gift. Without wisdom it could make us

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