
Love And Matched: A Literary Analysis

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A universal theme could apply to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Such as love. Anyone, anywhere could fall/be in love.That's not the only type of love though and thats not always how it can turn out to be. You never know who, what, why and where you can find your true love. It can be comforting, dangerous, and can put you in all types of awkwars positions. For example, in "Beautiful Creatures" a fantasy, young-adult fiction, romance novel written by authors "Kami Garci" and "Margaret Stohl"and in "Matched"also an young-adult, romance written by "Ally Condie. With both of these texts i can compare and contrast, how they both fall in love and deal with it and the consequences. In Beautiful Creatures you can run away from many things but not love. Matched shows that not everything will go as planned. …show more content…

For instance they both present that there can be love between two people. You can't control in most occasions who you will fall for, when it's going to happen, or how it will happen. It can even be least expected, in a place where you thought everything was going to be your definition of" normal". In Beautiful Creatures and Matched that has happened and there was a couple of problems and trouble.There will be trouble though if you become a rebel that you know will lead you to being in danger or anyone you love also being in danger.

Although these two stories have entirely different perspectives of their way that they fell in love. While there was the comparing, here is the contrasting part. Beautiful Creatures shows that you can try to escape anything but love if it's true it will always find it's way back. Also that nothing in this world is free, everything comes with a cost and sometimes you lose a life to gain another.Additionally in Matched it clearly states that you shouldn't let society have control over everything in your life. As well as your opinions matter just as much as the rest of

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