
Low Self Esteem

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Whether it is a simple filter used for an Instagram picture, or airbrushing away the noticeable pores on a model’s nose and trimming down their stomach size for a magazine cover, photos are almost always edited and retouched to fit society’s standards as to what is acceptable. In a generalized sea of low self-esteem, leg cellulite and blemishes are deemed as “ugly,” whereas thigh gaps and collarbones are praised and epitomized as the standards for a woman’s body. On a similar note, the same can be said for men, as they are expected to have muscular bodies that are chiseled to perfection to reinforce their masculinity. Knowing the harms of being underweight, we still blindly glamorize anorexia within entertainment and the media, creating a correlation between false image beauty standards and the source that causes disordered eating. Due to its exerting influence, the media makes plus-sized women and short, scrawny men believe they are unattractive and undesirable, leading to unhealthy choices to “better” themselves. A disclaimer should always be required whenever the figure and appearance of people in any form of media is altered or enhanced, because disclaimers create ethical beauty standards for society which can affect the human psyche, and lessen the frequency of eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder. Starting at a young age, women have expectations of being beautiful and finding a husband to settle down with to create a family bestowed upon them. In other

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