
Low Voter Turnout In The United States

Decent Essays

2014 Midterm Elections Low Voter Turnout
Essentially, vigorous voter turnout is very paramount to a healthy economy. In most cases, low turnout is attributed to low participation in political issues and the misguided notion that voting in one candidate will have less impact on public policy. In the United States, voter participation keeps on fluctuating which has been an area of concern especially in midterm elections. More specifically, the 2014 midterm election reported the lowest voter participation in a period of more than seven decades. This paper delves into analyzing the reasons for the low voter turnout in 2014 midterm elections in the United States. The paper will also provide recommendations on how voter turnout may be increased in the 2016 general elections.
The 2014 midterm voter turnout was considerably low owing to a number of reasons. One possible reason attributed to the low voter turnout is disillusionment with the leading party. Data collected from exit polls indicated that about 54 percent of citizens were opposed to President Barack Obama performance as the president(Ching, 2014). Further, 65% of them viewed the country as headed towards the wrong direction. Most voters were dissatisfied with the Republicans leaders and lacked confidence in the government to do …show more content…

This would be meant to give a conviction to the potential voters that they are indeed different and they can provide practical solutions. It is also the responsibility of the Americans to oppose voter suppression attempts among other aspects. This would be through demanding an automatic voter registration. Furthermore, voters should pressure the candidates to put forward visions that are of benefit to the middle and the lower class. Practically, people would participate in politics more in politics if they feel that the government plays a more beneficial role in their lives(Lerner,

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