
Lying Is Wrong Essay

Decent Essays

It was completely acceptable for Emma to bear false witness to a rehabilitation center concerning her father’s health because she was doing so out of her love for him. If someone has the opportunity to help another, one could say it is his duty to help, regardless of the cost. Think of Robin Hood. He took from the rich in order to help the poor. He did break a law, but it is man’s duty to always help others if given the opportunity and means. The repercussions are worth it if people can benefit. Though fulfilling one’s duty is important, doing so out of love makes one’s actions so much more honorable. Even further honor could be given, though, if one willingly, not out of obligation, takes a risk for the betterment of another. Considering …show more content…

Lying, typically, causes more harm than good. However, in other instances, lying can be easily forgivable, especially when the effects of not lying outweigh the lying itself. The Bible even addresses the fact that committing a sinful act for the greater good is sometimes necessary. Think of Rahab’s story. She lied to the King of Jericho, nonetheless, about whether she was housing spies. The spies had been sent by Joshua, on account of the fact that God had promised the land to be given to His chosen people. God used Rahab as a means for the Israelites to scope out her city, and after it was all said and done, God blessed Rahab with the promise that neither she nor her family would be killed. Likewise, in Emma’s situation, she could have either kept watching her father waste away his wealth and his health, or she could have stepped up. If Emma had left all to her own father’s judgement, nothing good would have come. Alcohol inhibits the brain from thinking clearly and with reason; without an outside source, Emma’s father would have kept buying eight packs and downing them the very same night. Emma did what any child, who is concerned that her father’s life may be lost prematurely, would have done. So most definitely it would be completely logical to say it was not right for Emma to risk her own reputation for the sake of her father’s

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