
M V Sirius Star Ship

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‘M V SIRIUS STAR’ SHIP OVERVIEW: On 17 November 2008, in the mid night, the U.S. Navy announced that Sirius Star hijacked by Somali pirates. Lt. Nate Christensen, a spokesman for the U.S. Navy’s 5th navy, said the pirates hijacked the very large crude transporter at about 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, 15 November, 2008. while she was southbound, about 450 nautical miles (830 km; 520 mi) southeast of the coast of Kenya at 04°41’S 48°43’E — the utmost out to sea Somali pirates have struck. The attack also made Sirius Star the largest craft ever to be hijacked. It is approximate that for the pirates to reach Sirius Star, they must have voyaged south for four to five days. At the time of the attack, the ship was haulage the 25 member crew, consisting of 19 Filipinos, 2 Britons, 2 Poles, 2 Croat and 1 Saudi Arabian and a full load of 2 million barrels (320,000 m3) of crude oil — more than one-quarter of Saudi Arabia’s on a daily basis oil production output, and worth at least US$100 million and was bounce for the United States via the Cape of Good Hope. RANSOM DEMAND AND DEADLINE On 19 November, the suspected pirate, Farah Abd Jameh, provided information regarding the ransom by audio tape transmit over Al-Jazeera television. The tape specified that an unspecified cash ransom was to be delivered to Sirius Star, where it would be counted using machines that were able to perceive counterfeit bills. On 20 November, the pirates demanded a US$25 million ransom having set a 10-day

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