
Madison Is My Hero

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What makes a hero? I always thought a hero had to have superpowers and a cape, as do many people still. However, I now believe that a hero is somebody who changes one’s life or situation for the better. The person is always looking on the bright side and giving out free smiles. My hero is my cousin, Madison May. There are many reasons I could write about saying why Madison is my hero, but since I do not want to write a novel, I will narrow it down to these three. First, Madison makes me who I am. Without her, I would not be as nice, smart, hard working, and overall devoted to being the best person I am able to be. Maddy taught me a million things all at once when I realized she looked up to me. She taught me to be nicer than the nicest people, so even when I am having a bad day I will still be somewhat nice, and to strive for perfection at everything I do whether I think someone is watching or nobody is paying attention at all, because somebody will always be watching in the background where I cannot see. If she did not look up to me, which is how she taught me these things and more, I would not care enough about how I acted around her or anybody else. Maddy helps me make myself better because she looks up to me, and for that, she is my hero. …show more content…

Sure, she could just be a friend or best friend because we have mutual happiness found in certain things, but Maddy is more than just a best friend she is my cousin, which makes it even better. A few of the interests we share include admiring Cinderella, having an over-the-top addiction to sparkly lip-gloss, and loving to watch the movie Alvin and the Chipmunks together. After looking at everything we both enjoy, it is hard to say she is just my best friend. Madison is my hero, for showing me that I am not the only one in the world who likes what I find

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