
Essay on Magic in The Descent of Innana and Sappho

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Magic in The Descent of Innana and Sappho

In the ancient text The Descent of Innana and the lyric poetry of Sappho, language is viewed as magic. Not only are the words themselves acting as magic, as in an invocation, but other things manifest themselves as magic throughout the works. The most common throughout the works of Sappho is that of love. Sappho also shows us the magic of everyday life in many of her poems. Finally, the writing down of the works performs a magic all of its own; the magic of continuation. Through the writing of their works the story of Innana and the poetry of Sappho will live on forever. The most obvious use of language as magic is in The Descent of Innana. This text is actually all …show more content…

In the poem “You know the place: then”, Sappho invokes the Goddess Aphrodite. She does this by calling out to the goddess and naming the place she wishes for Aphrodite to appear. “Leave Crete and come to us / waiting where the grove is / pleasantest, by precincts / sacred to you; incense / smokes on the altar…”( lines 2-6). This shows how words were believed to hold the power to persuade a god or goddess. The hope was that, if the offering of poetry was beautiful enough, then the god would grant the request of the poet. This is not the only form of magic that words held for the ancient Greeks.

In another poem that Sappho wrote, “ A Prayer to Aphrodite”, Sappho describes anguished love. Sappho desires nothing more then to have this unrequited love returned to her arms. In this poem the magic of language calls Aphrodite forth and inspires her to do Sappho a favor. It inspires the goddess to give Sappho the power to bring this person back to the “glittering net” of her arms (19). This shows Sappho’s true desire to harness the power of love through the magic of language. If she can only write this poem beautiful enough then Aphrodite will take pity on her and give her what she most wants.

“What’s the secret wish of your crazy, wild heart? / Whom must Love compel with Her wily ruses / back into the glittering net of your arms? / Sappho, who hurts you?” (17-20). This is what Sappho wishes to hear from Aphrodite. The power and beauty

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