Subsequent to the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, the ancient Greeks established possibly the greatest center of learning at the time in Alexandria. Indeed, history purports that perhaps this great library rivaled even the great library in Athens, especially considering the fact that the Alexandrian library produced such significant mathematical figures as Archimedes and Euclid, the works of whom likely depended on the earlier works of great Greek mathematicians like Thales and Pythagoras (Lahanas, 2016). Although even those preceding mathematicians likely expounded upon the mathematical methodologies and computational techniques developed in earlier Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations. Still, there can be no doubt that modern mathematics, …show more content…
The premise behind the paradoxes was that the method of describing motion using Pythagorean thought, treating numbers solely as discrete, arguably demonstrated the impossibility of motion. His four paradoxes illustrating this line of thinking are The Dichotomy, Achilles and the Tortoise, The Arrow, and The Stadium. The paradox presented in The Dichotomy is that a race, from beginning to end, is a finite distance. Zeno purported that there are infinitely many half distances, which meant that you could never reach the end, according to Pythagorean thought. This paradox offered a precedent to the idea of the limit of an infinite sequence, in that an infinite number of half distances can add to a finite distance. Achilles and the Tortoise presented a similar paradox about infinite measures within a finite distance, and demonstrated that the boast of Achilles, that he could beat the tortoise even when the tortoise had a head start, could not come to fruition based on Pythagorean thought. The Arrow presented a paradox between the Pythagorean thought, that discrete units of instances make up time, and the premise that if Pythagoreans were correct then the arrow could not move. Thus, claimed Zeno, time must be continuous and not discrete. The Stadium presents a situation which proves that there is no smallest unit of time, as Pythagoreans believed, and therefore time must be both finitely divisible and infinitely divisible (Andrews, Development of calculus: More about the paradoxes, 2016). Although Zeno’s arguments were sound, they did not negate the influence that Pythagoras had on the study of mathematics. Indeed, another famous Greek philosopher, Plato, professedly transferred his knowledge of Pythagorean mathematics to one of his students, Eudoxus (Lahanas,
The creations of Pythagoras were very powerful during the era in which he lived in. He created a community of followers (known as the Pythagoreans) who believed that mathematics was fundamental and ‘at the heart of reality’ (source 1). The people in the society were all proficient mathematicians took mathematics very seriously, to the extent that it was similar to a religion (source 1).
The ancient Indians had a fair amount of mathematical accomplishments and discoveries, all of which we still use today. The main, most broad accomplishment that they contributed to modern civilization is the naming of the numbers. We are
The Pythagorean School, for example, contributed many ideas to the mathematic community, among them, studies of geometry and the theory of proof.5 Euclid also lived in the time of ancient Greece and became a prominent mathematician, as well as author of a book about geometry called, The Elements, considered the second best-selling book of all time.6 The works of Pythagoras and Euclid have become fundamental building blocks for any person with an eighth-grade understanding mathematics. With these advancements, as well as innovations from Archimedes and Apollonius of Perga, Islamic scholars translated their works and contributed even more, growing the worldwide understanding of mathematics.7 Greek progressions in geometry as well as the theory of proof contributed greatly to our ultimate understanding of contemporary mathematics, without which, our modern society would be
Ancient egyptians made some of the earliest forms of technology, mathematics was one of the most important form of technology as it
The author of Journey through Genius, William Dunham, begins this chapter by depicting how mathematics was spurred and developed in early civilizations. Dunham focuses primarily on the works’ and achievements’ of early Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece in this section. These ancient societies, as they developed, produced mathematicians such as; Thales, Pythagoras, and Hippocrates, who turned a basic human intuition for space and quantity into applicable everyday mathematics. The primary influences driving the development of early mathematics were the issues of growing civilizations, most notably counting commodities, taxation, and the division of land equally, rather than a pure desire for understanding that is seen in mathematics today. These influences culminated in the development of early arithmetic and geometry.
Zeno’s four paradoxes of motion collectively attempt to demonstrate Parmenides’ assertion that there is no motion. For the sake of simplicity and convenience, we will demonstrate Zeno’s paradoxes of motion using the first three paradoxes. We begin with the first and most well-known of the quartet: the bisection paradox. According to the bisection paradox, in order to walk across a room and reach the opposite side, one must first walk halfway across the room. Once an individual has reached the halfway point across the room, they must then reach the halfway point between their current position and the remainder of the distance to the room. The individual must complete a perpetual sequence of halfway points before ever reaching the room, making the act of doing so (theoretically) impossible. No matter how smaller the distances between each halfway points become, it never reduces to a value of zero with any given units of measurement. The second paradox is the Achilles paradox, which involves a race between Achilles and a tortoise. In this scenario, the tortoise is given a head start since it is much slower than Achilles. Once Achilles begins running after the tortoise and reaches the its starting point, the tortoise is already ahead of Achilles by a few meters. By the time Achilles reaches that same spot a few meters ahead, the tortoise still maintains its lead (albeit slightly reduced). Zeno’s second paradox attempts to demonstrate that despite Achilles’s being
The Pythagoreans were a group of people who followed Pythagoras in 530 B.C. They are well known for their work in mathematics and for numerology, they tried to prove that everything is made up of numbers. The Pythagoreans tried to solve the problem of Anaximander by the theory of the Limit which was the flaw in Anaximander’s theory.
The world of chaos and disorder has become the world of order and harmony. Ever since the ancient Greek times, chaos has been in existence. This led people to start thinking outside of the box. Many people started questioning why somethings were the way they were. As a result many philosophers emerged in the pre-Socratic times.
When he was given freedom, he formed a school in Samos, called "The Semicircle," but soon left to travel to Italy. He traveled to southern Italy, to the town of Croton, where he founded a religion based school. He also developed a small group of his top followers called the Mathematikoi. In this school, Pythagoras made great discoveries. Some achievements of Pythagoras include, classifying numbers into even and odd, classifying perfect numbers, and classifying triangle numbers. His biggest discovery is most definitely the Pythagorean Theorem. This property's equation states that a^2+ b^2 = c^2, with the variables a, and b acting as the two legs of a right triangle, and c acting as the hypotenuse. The Pythagorean Theorem was the start of basic trigonometry, and geometry. When you hear the phrase Pythagorean Theorem, most people revert to saying that Pythagoras invented it. Well... no. Basically, Pythagoras heard the idea proposed in Babylon, so he stole it for himself and refined it a bit. Even so, the little bit of refining he did was something that the Persians probably couldn't have done. Pythagoras was proud of his achievement, but then one of his own students turned on
The concept of arrow paradox claims that when objects occupy an equal space at rest and locomotion is constant at the moment; then a flying arrow will be declared to be motionless. Zeno claims that at any instant an object is motionless because it cannot move to a place that it is not due to the fact that time has not elapsed. On the other hand, an object cannot move to where the object already is because that would create a paradox, seeing as the object is already there. It is impossible to observe any form of motion when the time is paused. Furthermore, if space is occupied by the objects then also the arrow should be dormant. Thus, the entire elaboration of this notion creates a fallacy. One can conclude form the arrow paradox that motion is impossible because everything is motionless at each instant, and time in essence is the sum of many instances.
Those who contributed to this book mathematically were Hypatia of Alexandria and Ahmes. They were the leaders in their field and discovered many algebraic short cuts for the ancient Egyptians and developed tools to further their mathematical
Pythagoras started to persuade people of his mathematics in the 7th century, he was able to convince people to follow him and his mathematics. Pythagoras was fair and kind, which answers the driving question “How did Islamic peoples transmit knowledge from the ancient world to influence modern intellectualism?”. He invited women to his lectures in which he spread his intellectualism.
As with Achilles and a tortoise this one even further stresses the idea that motion is just an illusion. In this example Zeno assumes that time, in his definition, is only made up of a series of ‘’moments’’. In this paradox one arrow, just a regular arrow, has been shot or is just simply in motion. Zeno himself states that with his paradox, no motion is occurring while the arrow is in motion. This is because he assumes that for each instance of time, which can be broken up into small intervals as defined earlier by him, no movement occurs. Again explaining this more in detail, he is saying that because of all these ‘’moments’’ occurring and being able to divide these up into smaller intervals which then ultimately lead to the point where the arrow is not moving at all because time has moments and no movement occurs in that moment of time. This is why Zeno claims that the arrow is not moving at
I will now discuss Zeno’s paradox of motion. Zeno argues that motion does not exist through this argument: 1) there is an object at point A that is moving to a point B; 2) in order to reach point B, the object must pass the halfway point of points A and B; 3) we continue halving the remain distance and point B, all the way up to infinity; 4) this means that the object is taking an infinite distance to cross, and therefore, motion cannot exist, as an object cannot move an infinite
This theorem is one of the key results in elementary geometry. Pythagoras honored the study of numbers more that anyone and made many advances in it. He transformed the philosophy of geometry and made it a form of open-minded education (Zhmund