
Mahmoud: A New Student In Middle School

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When I was in middle school we had a new student in my class, his name was Mahmoud, he came from Syria and made fast friends with me and the other kids, due to his talent in soccer. All of us except a kid named Tyree, He didn't like mahmoud and decided to bully him but mahmoud stood up for himself, and we backed him up. Eventually tyree quit picking on mahmoud. Mahmoud later mahmoud tells me how tyree occasionally picks on the 6th graders, I tell him that what he wants to do about it, he tells me back in his country the government would pick on the weak which is why is family had came here, he told me he doesn't want to see that again and will get back at tyree. I told him not to do anything stupid, like fight him but he said he doesn't have …show more content…

A month was spent of us literally stalking this kid getting information on wherever he goes, Mahmoud finally gave us the plan, he opened his bag and what we saw inside baffled us. A pineapple. Mahmoud had a pineapple in his backpack, he said he was going to put them anywhere tyree goes and literally mess with him. The other guys thought the idea was stupid but I understood, this was a form of psychological warfare that mahmoud is conducting. Mahmoud started off simple, he place the pineapple in Tyree’s locker after he picked the lock (so he says). Tyree came into class and spoke about, most people were confused but Mahmoud had a quiet laugh, the other guys were somewhat shocked. The next day at before gym Mahmoud told me that he was going to leave an hour before school. When I asked why he simply said “I have a present to drop.” In social studies the next day I overheard Tyree talking with his friends that he found two pineapples at his house, one at his front door and another outside his bathroom window. His facial expressions were a mixture of fear and confusion, Mahmoud's plan was …show more content…

Mahmoud began taking this every more to the extreme, he began leaving pineapples in the hallways, wherever tyree went there would be a pineapple there. He left five around his bike after school. I questioned mahmoud where the heck he keeps getting the pineapples and he says that in the month of planning he saved up money. I won't lie though, his crazy plan was working. Mahmoud kept bombarding the house with pineapples that tyree’s family had to install camera, but Mahmoud figured the blind spot and kept going. He even mailed a box full of pineapples to tyrees house for christmas, from a fake address. I honestly couldn't believe he was really going with this, the guys and I were incredibly impressed with mahmoud's determination. We began overhearing from Tyree’s teachers that he’s begun to fail classes and he even has begun skipping school. Mahmoud bombarded the poor kid with pineapples for a year. Eventually we graduated, Tyree wasn't around and Mahmoud and I said our goodbyes and went our separate ways, “Godspeed that crazy bastard” is what I always say when I think about

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