
Major Point In My Life

Decent Essays

Major Point In My Life
In the ninth grade I started doing drugs. I thought it was fun and cool. I used them every day which had started out with only marijuana. I just smoked for the fun of it I thought it put me in better state of mind which I realize now it did not do that for me much less anything. I partied every single weekend even most of the weekdays because I dropped out of school. So the next year came which made me a sophmore this is when I dropped out of school within the first two weeks. I tried moving schools to get away from everything and everyone I knew but it just made it worse because I found that same crowd with a lot more kids to do drugs with. So I left the first school I went to which was p.v. After that I just completely quit school for awhile and got a job. Thinking that would help me change it didn’t. It got worse then because I had a lot of money to spend on the drugs I was using and also liquor. So after I started working for a couple months I quit work and bought a lot of drugs to start selling and making money. It worked because I …show more content…

I got out of the car and went and talked to them. I told them if they did not give me money I would come back with a gun they started laughing and joking like I was kidding. So I told them I would be back. Thirty minutes later I came back with a gun. They were all still standing outside and I pulled up with the gun tucked away. As soon as I got out they came at my with a huge piece of pipe. Not even seeing the gun the were still coming at me. I pulled the gun on them and shot. The bullet was a dud with nine more in the chamber. I recocked and pointed it at them again. I set the gun down to fight and they ran literally ran. I was cussing and yelling I chased after one of them and his friend picked up my gun. He pointed at me and pulled the trigger. Luckily for me it was another dud. I got in my car and

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