
Make A Reading Corner Analysis

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If your child will be entering preschool this fall, they are at a crucial time in their development. In order to make your child's transition to preschool easier this fall, make sure that you make reading central to your child's summer. The more familiar your child is with reading at home, the more comfortable they will be with all the literacy activities they will encounter when they enter preschool this fall.

Make A Reading Corner

One to promote reading is by making a special corner or space in your child's bedroom or someone in the house just for reading. You can purchase a few big pillows for your child to sit on, or some beanbags. The key is to make it a comfortable and unique space for your child.

Fill a small basket with some puppets for your reading corner. You can use the puppets to read to your child. Your child can read to the puppets, or your child can pretend to have the puppets read to them. If the puppets correspond to stories that your child has read, they can even use the puppets to act out stories in their reading corner. …show more content…

You can keep the books inside of small baskets or containers, or you can set up a little library area with a bookshelf your child can access. Include picture books where your child can tell you what the story is, early readers that use easy to sound out words, as well as picture books that you will have to read to your child.

Set aside a time every day for the reading corner. It could be in the morning after you are done getting ready, or it could be an evening time activity. The key is to set aside a specific time each day to hang out in the reading corner and have your child interact with books.

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