
Make Lemonade Identity Analysis

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Rulers and Role Models: Family as it Shapes Identity in Make Lemonade Family is said to make up nearly 65 percent of one's identity. This is nearly 2/3 of one's identity, more than patriotism and religion combined (Barna). How would one’s identity be different without a family? In the novel Make Lemonade, by Virginia Euwer Wolff, her character Jolly is a teenage single mother. She has two children, Jilly and Jeremy, and no parents that care about her. Her other character LaVaughn is a young teenager that babysits Jilly and Jeremy. She also has her sights set on college. Identity is shaped by family because, family is there to support one's decisions, teach valuable lessons, and prompt self-confidence. The support family members provide is …show more content…

They provide an important role model that their children learn from. One of these role models in Jolly’s life was her grandmother. Jolly states, “‘[She] [p]ut me back together all the time. Hugged me, preached to me, put me to bed [...]’” (Wolff 155). Before Jolly had no one, she had her Gram. She provided a stable base that Jolly knew she could always count on. She taught Jolly lessons of love, family, and kindness. Without Gram, Jolly’s life would have no traces of these attributes. After Jolly’s grandmother died, she was back to having no one. LaVaughn’s mother was the next person to positively influence her: “‘ Miss Jolly. You need to take hold, girl. That’s what you need’” (Wolff 35). Throughout her life, Jolly has just been floating though. Her parents kicked her out when there was trouble and Jolly let herself get pushed around by the other people in her life. The lesson LaVaughn’s mom taught her, to take hold, will help Jolly to gain control her her and her kids life. LaVaughn has also learned a great deal from her parents specifically her father. He died when she was younger. However, he still indirectly taught her an important life lesson. LaVaughn’s dad was killed by a gang member after working hard his whole life to avoid participating in gangs, LaVaughn recalls, “ the gang gun makes a lifetime mistake and hits my Dad when it was supposedly aimed clear across into the alley” …show more content…

In LaVaughn and Jolly’s life their families have to ability to build up or tear down their self confidence. In LaVaughn’s life her mother is great at building up her daughter's self esteem. When LaVaughn was younger she gave her parents a special dried flower picture. Her parent repeatedly told her how much they were proud of her. Knowing that she had made her parents proud boosted LaVaughn’s self esteem. This give LaVaughn the knowledge that she has the ability to be successful and make her family proud. Her mother also gave her the confidence she need to go against the odds and apply for college: “You go to college, you make me prouder than I been in my whole life” (Wolff 11). Her family encouraging her to follow her dreams promoted LaVaughn to get good grades and apply to college. Without the confidence her family gave her, LaVaughn never would have applied to college, and would be stuck in poverty for her whole life. On the other hand Jolly’s family only tears down her confidence. Because of her lack of self esteem Jolly gets pushed around by her boss. Jolly recalls, “‘ I said Stop it, he kept findin’ other directions to put himself all over me --’” (Wolff 57). Jolly’s family restrained the amount of confidence she was able to obtain. By kicking her out of the house and not providing support for Jilly and Jeremy, Jolly’s parents made her feel unloved and unimportant. This

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