
Malala Courage Quotes

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Did you know successful people are proven to have more courage than those who are not? People who take chances and face their fears are able to gain much more than what they could have lost. A quote from Eleanor Roosevelt defines what courage is: “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'” In the TEDTalk "Living with Courage: Embracing Fear to Follow Your Heart", Kelley Kalafatich talks about how courage affects everyone’s life and how important it is to conquer fears to become a stronger person. Living with courage is not hesitating to do something that scares one, gaining confidence and resilience, doing even more, and having no regrets about the decisions a person makes. Therefore, …show more content…

Malala had lost the right to her education and started to protest locally, however, this got her recognized not just all around the world but by the horrendous Taliban. Her father, who once led a girls school has also shown bravery in supporting Malala’s aspirations. They had planned to assassinate her so they went onto her school bus, called her name, and shot her in the head and neck. She survived and became a more powerful force than the Taliban, she did interviews across the world and even won the Nobel Peace Prize, becoming the youngest to ever receive that high honor award. Malala is now a famous advocate for human rights, women’s rights, and the right to education. She overcame her fear of the harsh terrorist to stand up for what she believed in and is now known globally. Malala has shown more courage facing down the Taliban than the Pakistani government and military leaders. Her story is amazing and inspirational in facing fears to come out stronger, more confident, and overall

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