Malaria and West Nile are reemerging diseases. But, what does that mean? What of its counterpart, an emerging disease? As presented by the World Health Organization, known as WHO, an emerging disease is one that has appeared in a population for the first time, or that may have existed previously but is rapidly increasing in incidence or geographic range, and a reemerging disease is a disease that had decreased in incidence in the global population and was brought under control through effective health care policy and improved living conditions, but began to resurge as a health problem due to changes in the health status of a susceptible population. WHO, along with the help of other health organizations, has basically become the main source …show more content…
One big way to do this is to eliminate any standing water around where you are located. This might include emptying fountains, pots, or small pools to ensure that mosquitoes do not breed, literally, right in your back yard. Travelers, and any person in these areas, may protect themselves from contracting Malaria by seeing their doctor and taking any medication that their doctor prescribes. If you don’t have any medication prescribed, or to take extra precaution, the next best way to ensure a Malaria free time would be to take normal measures to prevent mosquito bites. This may include wearing long sleeves and pants, using bug spray with a high percentage of active chemicals, like deet, and covering any exposed skin (Malaria Prevention, …show more content…
This includes many of the precautionary steps taken with Malaria as stated before. Check any travel plans, or even where you live because WNV is commonly found in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, North America and West Asia. WNV is maintained in nature in a cycle involving transmission between birds and mosquitoes (West Nile Virus, 2011). Also, since WNV outbreaks in animals precede human cases, the establishment of an active animal health surveillance system to detect new cases in birds and horses is essential in providing early warning for veterinary and human public health authorities. In the Americas, it is important to help the community by reporting dead birds to local authorities (West Nile Virus,
Be aware of mosquitoes there are many diseases related to them running amuck right now make sure you are set with adequate protection and repellent. When in infested areas the recommendation is long sleeves and repellent with DEET.
If you live in or must go to a place that’s impacted by the virus, avoid mosquito bites and practice safe sex to avoid virus transmission. This means using a condom every
Also, a malaria surveillance and response program was implemented to insure urgency in attacking this
The West Nile Virus is a virus that people can get from an infected mosquito bite. This virus disappeared and no one heard much of many people getting the virus for about 20 years. In the 1990´s there was a big comeback on the rise for the West Nile Virus. That also consisted of the infected bugs slowly but surely making their way to America from Africa, the Native country to this virus (Phillip).
Demographic characteristics play a major role, affecting communities in Canada. Three main demographic characteristics that affect a country are population growth rate, population density, and the dependency load of a country. These characteristics can have a beneficial impact, as well as a negative impact, on communities in Canada.
In the passage at the beginning of chapter 16, Steinbeck uses color and dehumanization to show different points and make comparisons. Light vs. Dark is one of the oldest symbols of Good vs. Evil, and Steinbeck uses this to create a mood and to steer the reader’s thoughts subconsciously towards darkness and the differences between Samuel and Cathy. Steinbeck’s animalization of Cathy shows her characterization as sly and untrustworthy. Also due to his description of the scene it seems mystical and almost disconnected to the rest of the novel. This creates a paradoxical effect since it is such a pivotal moment in the novel. Steinbeck’s dramatic irony also pulls the reader into the text and makes them feel an almost kinship towards Samuel as
What is the West Nile Virus? It is an illness distinguished by headaches, muscle soreness, a fever, and more. The illness’ affects vary depending on the person and the symptoms, though very few can sometimes be critical. It is diagnosed specifically as the West Nile Virus by those special symptoms. Many wonder about certain treatments for the virus and whether or not there are vaccinations for it. It can be identified by a few common effects of most flus, but what are the details that differentiates the West Nile Virus with the others? The diversity between the West Nile and flus include details such as transmission, symptoms, and treatment. What is the illness and how is it transmitted?
West Nile Virus has emerged in recent years throughout the temporate zones of Europe and North America. Causing a variety of conditions in its hosts, the most serious manifestation of WN virus infection is fatal encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) in humans and horses, and many birds.
WNV can result in intricate infection. WNV has spread as a cyclic plague into North America. WNV signifies a mosquito-borne virus which spread in birds. Mosquitoes are generally wandered in the space and usually bite humans and animals. Therefore, WNV can be spread straightforwardly and cause complex infections.
What is West Nile Fever? West Nile fever also known as West Nile virus is a mosquito borne disease transferred from mosquito to person. Encephalitis is a disease that West nile virus can cause. What encephalitis does is it causes inflammation of the brain which in some cases can be fatal. The west Nile virus wasn’t discovered until 1937 in Africa. The disease didn’t make its way into the United States until 1999. The Virus is most common during the summer months (July- September) which is when mosquitos the carrier of the disease are most active. But in some states it is at risk all year round. Most people who are bitten and infected even receive the virus.
Since there isn't a real cure for the disease except for hope, vaccination becomes even more important to the people because it is the only prevention for the disease. Mosquito repellents, full covering clothing and
About 1,500 cases of malaria are diagnosed in the United States annually, mostly in returned travelers” (Global Health - Division of Parasitic Diseases , 2010). Malaria risk is not distributed homogeneously throughout all countries. Some destinations have malaria transmission occurring throughout the whole country, while in others it occurs in defined pockets so the traveler should be weary of areas whose climate is conducive to mosquitoes.
Malaria (also called biduoterian fever, blackwater fever, falciparum malaria, plasmodium, Quartan malaria, and tertian malaria) is one of the most infectious and most common diseases in the world. This serious, sometimes-fatal disease is caused by a parasite that is carried by a certain species of mosquito called the Anopheles. It claims more lives every year than any other transmissible disease except tuberculosis. Every year, five hundred million adults and children (around nine percent of the world’s population) contract the disease and of these, one hundred million people die. Children are more susceptible to the disease than adults, and in Africa, where ninety percent of the world’s cases occur and where eighty percent of the cases
Malaria is one of the ten most common, yet deadly diseases in the world. It is a parasitic disease spread by the bite of Anopheles mosquito, which is active between dusk and dawn. Malaria occurs in over 100 countries and territories.
Obstacles can 't stop you, problems can 't stop you, most of all people can 't stop you, the only one who stops you is yourself. My family believes steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success or perseverance is how to live life. I interview three people, my dad and mom, and my mom 's dad, and my self. The people of my family are extremely persistent and resilient.