

Better Essays

1. Overall Assessment

Kalin Pentchev created an increasingly growing business out of confidence, determination and sheer luck. Building a company from scratch is complex and certainly takes some of these qualities to persevere, but must also take planning, analysis and strategy. While Kalin displayed confidence, which Professor Sarathy explained contributes to a company’s success, it was gained from his own determination not to fail, rather than from having an understanding of international marketing. Instead of using well-mapped out plans and strategy to guide his company, Kalin created a reactive business with decision-making occurring as issues and dilemmas arose. Unfortunately, as a result, he made several mistakes common to …show more content…

Chasing Orders
Kalin developed a reactive business that responded to situations as they occurred. His strategies were the result of things gone wrong. As an example, he had to change his lower-price selling strategy after a distributor warned him of the consequences and struggled to even maintain an effective pricing strategy because his focus was on selling the product as quickly as possible. Instead of developing relationships and taking care of the customers, like the Lebanese storekeeper, he provided to some poor service and coincidentally treated them similarly to the way his distributer treated him with little contact and no follow up. “Desperate and determined” and rather than taking a step-back to prepare a solid selling strategy, he looked for customers in yet another market, the larger-volume cheese buyers.

Assumed Successful Home Market Products and Techniques Worked Anywhere
In addition, Kalin also built a business of faith assuming that cultural values and business practices that previously worked in his home country would be transferable to a U.S.-based company. For example, Kalin suggested that all customers believed non-payment to a vendor was offensive and feared reprisal from a fictional, more powerful business man. Although it is important to understand the cultural values of the

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