
Malls Typology Essay

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Mall Culture- Rise, Current Trends, Types and Economic Study
Difference Between a Shopping Mall & a Shopping Centre ? SHOPPING CENTRES SHOPPING MALLS
1. Shopping Centre is one or more buildings.
2. It is an open outdoor market.
3. In a shopping centre there are only one or two entrances to each store.
4. Here, in order to go to another store you have to go outside & then enter another store.
5. Shopping centre is one or more buildings that contain stores and restaurants that share a common parking area.
1. Shopping Mall is a Single
2. It is a covered complex.

3. In a shopping mall there are several entrances into the mall.
4. While, in a mall, once entered you can go to any store in that …show more content…

In the 1980s, some enclosed malls were remodelled into open-air shopping centres. By the mid-1990s, Malls were still being constructed at a rate of 140 a year. The trend was to build enclosed malls and to renovate older outdoor malls into enclosed ones. Such malls had advantages, including temperature control. But by the end of 1990’s the trend took a sharp turn and it was again fashionable to build open-air malls. Finally by 2001, a PricewaterhouseCoopers study found that underperforming and vacant malls were an emerging problem.

According to new trends, the outdoor outlet malls or big box shopping areas known as power centres are now favoured, although the traditional enclosed shopping mall is still in demand by those seeking weather-protected, all-under-one-roof shopping. High land prices in populated cities have led to the concept of the "vertical mall," in which space allocated to retail is configured over a number of stories accessible by elevators and/or escalators (usually both) linking the different levels of the mall.

The major challenge was to encourage the shopper to move upwards & downwards, different from the traditional tendency of moving horizontally. Vertical malls are common in densely populated conurbations such as Hong Kong and Bangkok. Ex- Times Square in Hong Kong.

Mall culture in the United States was coming to an end as the U.S. economic

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