
Management of the Employer-Employee Relationship

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Introduction The relationship between employer and employees plays a pivotal role in the performance of the organization. Employers and employees have certain responsibilities towards each other which facilitate a fair and productive workplace. Positive work relationships create a cooperative climate with effort towards the same goals. Conflict, on the other hand, is likely to divert attention away from organizational performance. Unnecessary conflict may be prevented through employee involvement and treating employees in a fair manner. Ethical employment practices, involving employees in decisions, and treating employees as valued organizational members all work towards a positive employer-employee relationship. Unfortunately, …show more content…

As a result, court decisions dictated exceptions. Employees may not be terminated on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or other discriminatory characteristics (Zachary, 2012). Statutes have prohibited adverse actions against employees due to whistle blowing, union activities, worker’s compensation claims, or refusing to perform illegal acts or acts against a public policy (Zachary, 2012). While early employment at-will ideas seemingly protected both employers and employees, it was later changes which established more solid safeguards for employees’ rights. The employee right of due process calls for employers to use established procedures when taking employment actions against employees (Reed & Bogardus, 2012). This includes notifying employees of pending actions against them and providing them with the opportunity to respond to complaints before adverse employment decisions are made (Reed & Bogardus, 2012). Due process procedures are not required for private employers, however, Reed and Bogardus (2012) strongly suggested it is in employers’ best interests to practice them. By implementing due process, employers demonstrate good faith in allowing employees the opportunity to respond to and rectify problems before termination occurs. Other common law doctrines establish the importance of an employee’s duties and responsibilities towards the employer. Duty of diligence requires employees to “act with reasonable care

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