
Managing Cliques In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Workplace Cliques
Cliques, and what clique do I belong to in my current organization. Well, first a clique in a workplace environment is usually a group of people who share the same beliefs, values, and ideas working towards the same goals (Tappero, 2017). I work for a company that builds bearings for the aerospace industry, and I am part of the management team. I never really thought about it much as being a clique, but if you think about the definition of a workplace clique, then I would say that I belong to the management clique, because I am one out of the six area managers within the company who are working together to accomplish one goal and that is to drive our teams to meet on-time delivery and customer satisfaction and create value among our direct reports.
The purpose of the …show more content…

Therefore, the managing clique that I belong too, we have achieved our purpose on many occasions, and I hate to say that there have been a few times where we have failed to meet our goals. However, together as a team, we strive to accomplish our goals by having daily production meetings; we have these meetings twice a day to go over the top five issues in each area where everyone discusses and agrees what needs to be completed. We also gather once a week, usually on Monday to look over the plan of the workweek, and productivity goals. Thus, the question is does our clique accomplishes its goals, I would say that we meet what we set out to accomplish about 86% of the time, respectfully. We do attain what we set out to accomplish, but there are times unexpected things will pop up, and then you must prioritize what needs to be answered first. Still, I would state that we do reach our goal, that is going towards our vision of being the best bearing company in the aerospace

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