
Manifest Destiny Essay

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Manifest Destiny is a period of American expansion that the United States. This attitude helped fuel western settlement, Native American removal and war with Mexico.Alamo was a war, texans vs. Mexicans. It was a 13 day battle. The Texans had 187 deaths in 1836. The mexicans won the battle to defend their land.Sectionalism Is the restriction of interest to a narrow sphere.Exodusters was a name given to African Americans who migrated from states along the Mississippi River to Kansas in the late nineteenth century.The California Gold Rush started at Sutter's Mill. On January 24, 1848, James W. Marshall, working for Sacramento pioneer John Sutter, found shiny metal in the lumber mill.A prospector who was involved in the california gold rush was called a 49er.the Homestead Act provided settlers 160 acres of public land. In exchange, homesteaders paid a small fee and were required to complete five years of continuous residence before receiving ownership of the land.About 100 Texians were at the Alamo waiting for 1,500 mexicans. The Texian force grew slightly with the arrival of reinforcements led by eventual Alamo co-commanders James Bowie and William B. Travis. They wanted to keep this land for the cotton and the many other resources that texas has.Results of the BattleThe Mexicans won the battle, defending their own territory from rebels, but they cannot very well honor President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, who led the attack on the Alamo: he is one of most hated president in

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