
Man's Search For Meaning By Viktor Frankl

Decent Essays

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl is filled to the brim with rhetorical devices from all three sections of the text. Particularly in his section about logotherapy, Frankl’s practice to find an individual’s meaning of life, he explores the three main meanings of life: accomplishment, love, and suffering. This area uses a plethora of comparison, such as parallelism and metaphor. Recurring themes are used to draw back to Frankl’s three life meanings, like word repetition and alliteration. Frankl’s use of rhetorical devices allows his audience to focus on their individual possibilities and incorporate his ideology into society. Comparison is utilized to adapt psychological concepts to everyday life. Frankl begins explaining the uses of logotherapy with parallelism, stating, “There are people, however, who do not interpret their own lives merely in terms of a task assigned to them but also in terms of the taskmaster who has assigned it to them,” (Frankl, 132). This statement connects non-religious and religious aspects together, showing that the meaning of life may be from different sources, but come across as the same message. Shortly after, Frankl uses a creative metaphor to explain the purpose of a logotherapist. He writes, “the role played by a logotherapist is that of an eye specialist rather than that of a painter. A painter tries to convey to us a picture of the world as he sees it; an ophthalmologist tries to enable us to see the world as it really is. The

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