
Man's Search For Meaning Summary

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In "Man's Search for Meaning" Victor Frankl states that everyone has the need to search for the meaning of their existence. Frankl’s descriptions of his life in Nazi death camps show that by finding that meaning, one can get through anything and survive even the worst of experiences. At this point in my life I, along with many other college students, are searching for what our meaning in life is going to be. According to Frankl, we can discover the meaning of life in three different ways: by creating a work or doing a deed, by experiencing something or encountering someone, and by the attitude we take towards suffering. These are all things each individual has the ability to achieve. As Frankl says, “Ultimately, man should not ask what the …show more content…

When I think of my future, I say that I want to be successful and happy, and doing well in college is a great step towards that goal. However, success can have many different meanings and ways that it can be achieved. Frankl wrote, “Don’t aim at success. The more you make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued.” While in the honors program I shouldn’t be focused solely on the goal of becoming successful, but instead I should devote myself to taking advantage of all of the experiences it offers. The opportunities presented by the Honors Program will give me the extra motivation and resources that I need in order to be my absolute best. With the study abroad program, I will be able to experience other cultures and backgrounds that I may never get the chance to see otherwise because of my financial situation. Hearing ideas from people who have a different perspective on the world may allow me to open up my mind to a new way of learning, which could contribute to future accomplishments, and possibly future success. According to Frankl, once you forget to think about success, ironically, that’s when it will finally

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