
Mao Villain

Decent Essays

After a preliminary analysis of my constructed topic, a few common themes are clearly present and discernible in relation to Mao’s perception as a hero or villain. At such present time of my research, I am begging to develop and contextualise a clear understanding of how I will ultimately answer mu question and I have incorporated the aspects of inquiry as well as representativeness and corroboration already into my research. In relation to being a villain, it is clear the wide spread death and his subsequent concern as a result of his movements represents his criminal persona. This is coming across in my main pieces of evidence up to this point. This is also indicating Mao’s motives and subsequently the effect it had on a specific group of people, in this case is the Chinese’s public. His movements also indicate somewhat his self-interest in developing his humongous ideological campaign. Despite this, it is vital I further investigate how in comparison that these movements were responsible for his widespread perception of a hero and as such find a myriad of perspectives that develop a common idea that the implementation of movements such as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural revolution was specifically the reason for Mao being viewed as a hero. …show more content…

However, historians have conveyed similar opinions which has been evident through hthe background stage. Despite this, some of the information is very repetitive so one of my challenges will be to ensure I have sources that don't state the same thing, but instead build on the concept. This can be seen with Britannica and the in that they express Mao’s waste of life providing statistics that can be a useful piece of information that helps advance my argument. Such sources are quite neutral in their point of

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