
Marcus Aurelius

Decent Essays

“Hahaha, you have no friends!” Rings through my ears, as I hide seated at my desk, dogging the daggering stares. My fragile mind scorched by the tormenting at recess - perched on the jungle gym, suffocated by the wild chanting orchestrated by my hunters howling indecencies about my clothes, body and face. Some remember their childhood fondly I recall mine plagued with extreme insecurity, caused by the years of taunting inflicted by my classmates. My hope-my horizon in the stormy wilderness, was the introduction of a Marcus Aurelius quote. Disclaimer: The above hyperbolized, metaphorical events depict not only my hypersensitivity at that time, but are also imbed to reflect my current globalized perspective by creating humor to emphasize my knowledge that my experiences weren't that tragic. Even though, being targeted by bullies is not catastrophic, …show more content…

"The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it." -Marcus Aurelius This quote both comforted and enlightened me while I was being bullied in middle school. My guidance counselor presented it to me and it has shifted my entire way of thinking. First, the idea that my agonizing situation was not permanent, due to "the universe is change" really put my depression into perspective. It enabled me to look hopefully into the future to a day where I would not be tormented at school. Thankfully, that day did come, but in my fragile, preteenager mind the months of bantering felt like eternity. The second profound change that this quote illuminated for me was that I am the only person responsible for my life. I realized that my thoughts are what shape my actions, which inevitably forms my life. At that time, thinking about the kids who bullied me as insecure rather than evil, helped me forgive them for their immature

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