
Margaret Atwood 's Happy Endings

Decent Essays

Conventional myth suggests the idea of life, love and a happy ending, usually includes getting an education, finding a mate, getting married and, preferably, a good job, having interesting hobbies, buying a house, having kids, retiring and heading off into the sunset. But what if convention isn’t the only way to a happy ending? Or what if the stereotypical idea of love isn’t so happy after all? In “Happy Endings”, Margaret Atwood describes the lives of Mary and John in six ways. The story of Mary and John is not only a typical romantic love story, it is a tale of two people involving rocky roads, conflicts, and love interests of more than two people. As portrayed by Atwood, the way love can be experienced so differently, yet ultimately end up in the same place goes to prove that there is seldom one way to achieve a happy ending. So, what does the narrator of “Happy Endings” tell the reader about happy endings?

“If you want a happy ending, try A.” proposes that a genuine happy ending comes from no less than the stereotypical love each of us have read about in the books, or have seen in movies and have aspired to in the fairy tales of our childhood. However is that what she 's saying? In my opinion, Atwood presents “A” as a cliché. On the other hand “Stimulating and challenging” are posed by Atwood in reference to the relationship of Mary and John. The idea of having “A” while also having stimulation and challenge, according to Atwood seems unrealistic; like a game. Though

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