
Marijuana Should Be Made Legal

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I grew up with parents who smoked Marijuana on a regular basis. They tried to hide it from me but I knew what they were doing. My parents exposed me to the drug, but I was also exposed to the drug just walking around my neighborhood, which was a ghetto trailer park in Clearfield Utah. Marijuana and other drugs were cool in my neighborhood and everybody who was anybody was doing them except me. I for some reason made the decision, I was not going to let drugs become a part of my life. I took DARE classes in school and I stayed very faithful to my church which is the LDS church. I grew up with a personal opinion that drugs were dangerous and I was not going to submit my body to them. I still live by this opinion, but after watching my dad die from complete Kidney failure, and Marijuana being one of the only things that gave him peace and helped him through the pain, I now fully agree that Marijuana should be made legal for medical reasons. …show more content…

I can understand the oppositions reasons why it should never become legal even for medical purposes, but I feel that there are more medical benefits for using the drug then there are negative reasons. I have read stories on how this drug has helped people and it makes me happy that they have found relief from their pain and suffering. I know my religion is against it, but knowing that Marijuana is made from the earth, it’s a natural method of helping with medical issues, I find myself disagreeing with my church. I feel and will forever feel that Medical Marijuana should be prescribed for Medical purposes because it has been proven

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