In “Why Congress Should Legalize Pot”’ Jeffery Miron, the senior lecturer of undergraduate studies in the economics department at Harvard University, reports that the reason marijuana should be legalized is for the same reason alcohol is legal. According to him alcohol is a similar substance that can be abused. He also explains that even though there could be risks with legalizing marijuana “economic trends with will stay the same.” This means there won’t be an increase in accidents and crime just because marijuana is legalized. Just like Jeffery Miron other Americans believe marijuana should be legalized. In “The Federal Government Must Act: Why State-Level Pot Legalization Isn’t Enough”, by Raymond Hogler a Colorado State University graduate, …show more content…
This article also shows how police officers are put in a gray area when upholding marijuana laws. Citizen fail to realize when a state legalizes something it could be federally illegal. Individuals feel they are trying to be caught while participating in the use of marijuana. This causes lawsuits against police for Entrapment. Why listen to random people when professionals can tell you the truth about the use of marijuana? An article written by Marty Nemko, “Legalize Pot? You Must Be High”, reported on research found from prestigious universities. This article suggests that marijuana eventually influences your memory. When you ingest a substance that is not supposed to be there it will have certain unforgiving affects. I believe marijuana is known as a drug for a reason. I am ok with having a use for it medicinally but only for problems. Right now, it just seems to be a hindrance for people that don’t medically need it. For example this can stop motivation in a job environment causing less production or be a safety hazard if someone is under the
Marijuana has been used in the treatment of AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain ("Medical Cannabis."). Researchers have been trying to explain the negative effects that marijuana can have on the central nervous system and how it hinders memory as well. The constant reports of short-term memory loss by heavy marijuana users brings up the question, is it the most common long term effect of marijuana use? Although it is said that marijuana has many effects such as exhaustion, increased appetite, offset sense of time, and bloodshot eyes, short-term memory loss is the symptom most frequently linked with the use or ingestion of marijuana. But why? Why does using marijuana have any impact on a person’s memory at all? Countless scientists have been working tirelessly to find an answer for this question. The active ingredient in marijuana, THC, is known to attach itself to areas of the brain linked to memory. When the scientists injected lab animals with THC at Rutgers University, they found that they acted as though there was no rhythm to their thought. It affected the hippocampal circuits in the brain to produce animals that were acting normal but in a delayed or offset manor.
The question of whether or not marijuana should be legalized for recreational and medicinal use has been a three decade long conversation. There are many pros and cons to legalizing marijuana. There are many different ideas about the effects of marijuana, but as with any drug answers are going to vary depending on the person you survey. Age, health, and mental stability are all factors to consider how a drug can positively or negatively affect you, and marijuana is no different. To be legal or not to be legal is the million dollar question up for debate.
Marijuana is known for causing issues with the human brain, which is a product of behavioral issues. Nevertheless, being under the influence of this drug can produce poor memory and little to no attention span (Marijuana: A Continuing Concern). Research shows that all of these effects can indeed take place after using the drug. After long term use of marijuana, the human brain may not become fully developed if the user started the drug at a young age. This could result in the brain not reaching its full potential. Furthermore, it is acknowledged that someone can have complications with their short-term memory after using the drug, and these complications can last for a multitude of days. People who are under the influence of marijuana have a difficult time paying attention to what is going on around them. With the use of marijuana comes brain damage, which some could become permanent (Marijuana: Breaking Down
This effect can last up to several hours after the drug has been smoked (National Institute on Drug Abuse ). The brain is another thing affected by smoking marijuana, leading to loss of memory in the brain. The nervous system also is affected when using this drug (National Institute on Drug Abuse). Loss of memory and the effects it has on the nervous system alone should raise concern for the American people. Continuing on with heath issues associated with the use of marijuana, it is proven to impair the immune system and can also promote tumor growth (Taylor). The immune system is essential to keep healthy because this is what fights off other illnesses within the body. Increased risk of lung cancer, and cognitive difficulties all can be associated with the use of marijuana (Wilbur). Research has proven smoking marijuana affects health several ways; even though most have been discussed take a look at the following chart, it will help visualize some health issues that are associated with smoking marijuana.
The statement “marijuana is a lot safer than alcohol” cannot go unchallenged and should be debated. One important subject is the risk that marijuana use (especially in young adults) can lead to some kinds of mental illness. “Studies support findings that risk of schizophrenia doubles in young abusers” (U.S. National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 2009). According to Joseph Califano Jr., CASA founder and chairman of Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) “If we were to make marijuana legal and taxed it, for approximately every dollar of tax revenue, there could be as much as seven dollars incurred in medical costs”.
Marijuana has a greater beneficial impact on society then many people realize. Marijuana should be legalized for medical as well as recreational purposes. This is a highly controversial issue that is being debated throughout the country. In essence marijuana is evaluated by the effectiveness of the drug. It is defined as the dried flowered clusters and leaves of a hemp plant smoked for the intoxicating effect. Whether it should be legalized or not is the real question.
I believe that weed should not be legalized. The reason for that is because to many people use it for the wrong reason, they make up excuse when they can be doing better than that. Marijuana even mess up with people health and you don’t even know it.
On average, Americans spend about 5 billion dollars on marijuana every year. Thats about how much the country contributes to the purchase of alcohol! The only problem is that the money made from people selling marijuana illegally mostly goes into the pockets of mafias because they contain the largest portion of distribution in the marijuana chain. On average each state spends right at about 1 billion dollars to make sure the marijuana laws are enforced. Asa Hutchinson, the former DEA director mentioned in a CNBC interview that "The cost to fight marijuana is worth it and the people should not mind the cost, but instead look into the benefits it would bring to the country." However, its difficult to see what the benefits really are, because the law enforcement says that criminalizing marijuana will reduce the number of accidents associated with people under the influence of marijuana, reduce violence caused by the intoxication of the drug, and reduce the number of drug dependents. But these arguments to criminalize the use of marijuana are completely unproven. Alcohol also intoxicates the drinker, which obviously causes vehicle accidents. Tobacco poses health risk to smokers after years of continuous use, but they are still considered legal? Therefore, the reasons given to criminalize marijuana aren't very accurate and unproven. It is ironic that the given effects of marijuana are almost the same that made it illegal and are the same
I believe that the time has come to end the prohibition of marijuana in the United States of America. If marijuana were a legal substance and taxed like alcohol and tobacco, billions of dollars in revenue would be generated that could be put towards paying down our national debt. Further stimulation of our economy would result from the thousands of jobs that would be created in order to grow, manufacture, process, market and distribute the product. Overcrowding in our prisons would be reduced, creating much-needed room for violent and aggressive criminals. Finally, there is evidence that the legalization of marijuana will yield certain health and environmental benefits to American society.
Marijuana has been used in religious ceremonies or for medical purposes for thousands of years. I have always been against the use of Marijuana up until four years ago when my husband at the age of twenty seven underwent invasive surgery on his knee and has never been the same since. Colorado took a huge step several years ago legalizing marijuana for medical use and in recent years took the plunge to legalize it for recreational use. Marijuana is not always a bad thing nor is it always a good thing. A lot of people will compare it to any other mind altering substance and have very valid points. I would rather have a loved one or myself smoke marijuana or ingest it, instead of popping pain pills or other harmful substances put on the market by the pharmaceutical industry; Recreational use can be safe and accepting if it is regulated correctly and used responsibly.
The article "Common Sense Is Needed in Marijuana Policy." By Cathy Young talks about how Marijuana should be legalized to reduce crime rates because experts believe that if marijuana were to become legalized it will reduce the amount of drug dealers, which would then get rid of many crimes revolving around narcotics. The legalization of marijuana would lead to less possession charges if it were legal to carry and it would reduce the smuggling process if marijuana were legal to grow in the United
However other americans have have a different perspective about recreational marijuana. Most American believe that Recreational marijuana should be illegal.“A new survey finds that 53% favor the legal use of marijuana.” Was stated by Pew Research Center. Now that it is legal it is the Americans individual rights that they can use
It’s no secret that marijuana can affect a person’s memory. And it doesn't help that today’s stereotypical pot smoker is absent minded and forgetful.” Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, is known to impair nearly all aspects of memory. There is one exception, though. THC does not affect the recall of existing memories.”
First and foremost, marijuana is legal in some states in the United States but for medical use only and other countries such as Canada have already allowed for medical marijuana to be used. (“17 Legal Medical Marijuana States and DC – Medical Marijuana –”) The fact that states and other nations have allowed the use of marijuana for an important aspect like medicine should be considered in the argument of making the drug legal. Especially since it has caused no problems being used that way. Marijuana as medicine can be a pain reliever for its users. It is also beneficial to the everyday person for relief of migraines, OCD’s, ADHD, ADD, and even prevention of Alzheimer’s. The drug also has no proven or tested medical drawbacks (“10 Major Health Benefits of Marijuana.” COED. ) Unlike other drugs like sleep aids, painkillers, alcohol and cigarettes, marijuana is not addictive. Of course the argument could be made that it is but there is no factual evidence that proves this point. People that are anti-marijuana legalization will say that it is unhealthy and bad for you. All of these assumptions
In the "Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized," essay, Kevin Sabet a former senior adviser in the White House, Office of National Drug Control Policy wrote that calling marijuana harmless or non-addictive goes against scientific results that habitual use of the drug causes memory problems, impaired thinking and weakened immune system. (1) My essay will argue against this position.