
Marketing: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Preventive Healthcare

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Our Services
We focus mainly on educating our clients about Preventive Healthcare and empower them with the right tools and knowledge to help change the quality of their lives.
These are some of the main wellness programs we at Aarogya have a relentless focus on. We also tailor treatment plans based on the underlying problems and distinctive needs.
• Healthy living
• Stress management
• Pain management
• Personality development
• Weight management
• Skin and beauty
• Treatment plans for: Diabetes, Arthritis, Hypertension, Obesity, Depression, Anxiety,Migraine, Insomnia

The Market
Healthcare has become one of India's largest sectors both in terms of revenue & employment. The industry is growing at a tremendous pace owing to its strengthening coverage, services and increasing expenditure …show more content…

In other words, cost-based pricing can be defined as a pricing method in which a certain percentage of the total cost of production is added to the cost of the product to determine its selling price. Cost-based pricing can be of two types, namely, cost-plus pricing and markup pricing.
Disadvantage: Ignores price strategies of competitors and ignores the role of customers

2. Demand-based Pricing:
Demand-based pricing refers to a pricing method in which the price of a product is finalized according to its demand. If the demand of a product is more, an organization prefers to set high prices for products to gain profit; whereas, if the demand of a product is less, the low prices are charged to attract the customers.
3. Competition-based Pricing:
Competition-based pricing refers to a method in which an organization considers the prices of competitors’ products to set the prices of its own products. The organization may charge higher, lower, or equal prices as compared to the prices of its competitors.
4. Value

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