
Marketing Analysis : The Sap Software

Decent Essays

With the implementation of its first SAP® solution in 1994, Colgate has greatly enhanced and automated global visibility for its supply chain management processes, improved supply chain decision making, increased the speed to market for its products, and minimized costs. As a result, the organization is more demand driven and globally integrated. The SAP ERP application helped increase standardization, lowered costly gratuitous of effort as well as enormous inventory levels and order cycle times. The SAP software, above all, was able to integrate a wide array of processes across different sections and regions of the company. Colgate therefore, gained a consolidated platform to respond to global customer requirements, analyze sourcing options and determine competitive strategies. Additionally, SAP was committed to partnering with Colgate’s customers to research and develop strong industry-specific solutions. Colgate started an aggressive plan to align all of its processes for supply chain planning. Although customer order fulfillment had been raised significantly to around 90% and completed on-time, the company needed better visibility to increase customer demand. To accomplish this, the organization required full, real-time visibility for supply and demand information worldwide and a highly responsive process for supply chain planning. Colgate responded to these obstacles by leveraging the demand visibility, supply optimization, and collaboration functionality of the SAP

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