
Marketing And Promotional Initiatives For Outsourcing Of Production

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Emerging and established companies such as Nike constantly seek a competitive edge to enhance their productive and profit margins as well as to distinguish their firm from the competition in the marketplace. From enhanced marketing and promotional initiatives to outsourcing of production, firms execute a variety of strategies and tactics to bolster their bottom-line. All of these approaches may well translated into better performance for the business. However, one of the more efficacious ways of distinguish is to enhance and refine their supply-chain logistical infrastructure. From partnering with superior vendors and suppliers to streamlining internal processes, addressing supply-chain issues have transformative potential …show more content…

These decisions should state clear, concise, and measurable goals that the company can reach and or exceed. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as many managers do not see the benefit of implementing a strategic plan into their supply-chain operational portions of planning. Some of the supply-chain processes are product development, inventory, costumer relations, vendors, and production, shipping and receiving that company must include in their strategic plan.
This paper shall discuss the opportunities that exist to improve supply-chain activities for Nike; how to better align logistics and the company’s strategic plan, to integrate the supply-chain; as well as how to continue to meet the labor rights issues the company continues to address within its supply chain. In order to improve the movement of goods; identify challenges in integration of suppliers and manufacturers in the logistics management; Nike must be willing to adjust their practices to current circumstances affecting supply-chain. Many processes exist on the market today that companies can adopt to increase their values, which affects the supply-chain management on organizational level; and financial implications by reviewing some of the best practices available on the market and improving their own supply-chain management.
Profile of Nike and its Supply Chain Nike currently is positioned as the largest athletic shoe and apparel firm in

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