
Marketing Plan For Wal Mart

Satisfactory Essays

This marketing plan’s overall message is to communicate to consumers that Wal-Mart is becoming an industry leader in selling organic foods. This plan should show consumers that Wal-Mart is taking a step forward in their corporate social responsibility and still sticking to their main strategy of always providing the lowest prices. The first specific strategy for this marketing campaign is to have 100% of regular Wal-Mart customers to be aware that Wal-Mart has a new and improved organic section. This goal should be achieved within six months of the campaign being launched. This campaign is designed for every consumer to be aware that Wal-Mart is moving towards the growing business of selling organic foods. The consumer should also be given reasons why Wal-Mart is re-launching a brand new organic section. Employees who interact with consumers should always try to let the consumer know of Wal-Mart’s new efforts to invest in foods that are produced through environmentally friendly practices. This should be achievable through the marketing tactics that are used. The second goal that this marketing campaign should achieve is to make all organic foods in US stores 25% cheaper by the beginning of the relaunch than similar organic items in other stores. The New York Times did an article in 2014 about how Wal-Mart was going to expand their organic section and they planned on undercutting competitors’ price offering similar organic food products by 25% or more. The plan at the time

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