
Marquis de Lafayette Essay

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Marquis de Lafayette The Marquis de Lafayette is best remembered for the part he played in the American War of Independence. He contributed in helping the Americans gain free control over the colonies by breaking away from British home rule. For sixty years he fought with consistency and insight for political ideals and social reforms that have dominated the history of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Hence, Lafayette can be attributed to the spreading of liberty and freedom throughout America and France. Therefore, he is viewed as a symbol of liberalism in a once absolutist world. Born on September 6, 1757, Gilbert Montier de Lafayette lived in the Chateau de Chavaniac. This beautiful palace is …show more content…

First, he wanted to distinguish himself as a soldier. Second, he detested England and the English. As victors in the Seven Year’s War, the English humiliated France and took away the French territory in Canada. Being a very proud Frenchman, “He wanted to see England get a beating; he wanted her to lose her American colonies and he had come to help the Americans win, gain their independence, and lower the pride of the insolent English nation” (Woodward 4). Thus, he sailed in his new boat Victoire onto the shore of South Carolina, along with fourteen other French army members, with plans in becoming a volunteer officer for the American revolutionary army. The marquis pursued his ambitions and left his home in secrecy even after his father-in-law, the Duc de Noailles, forbid him to leave France. Lafayette’s strong will and excitement to be in charge of an army was too much to hold back. He left his young, pregnant wife with nothing but a letter saying good-bye. Unfortunately, it would be years before he would make his way back to his homeland again. Ten days after their arrival into Charleston, Lafayette and the others made their way to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was the 27th of July and Congress was still in session. At first, they were rejected and told to go back to France because there were already plenty of French officers employed in the army. However, after much consideration, congress

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