
Marriage Definition Essay

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Being the head of the household is a massive responsibility when you have to look over your shoulder for eight children as well as a buoyant marriage. Mr. Focaccia is the man everyone comes to for advice about a situation, a particular dilemma, and a good time. He is a comedian, a friend, a mentor, but most importantly a nurturing father and husband. On this interaction, I want to focus on the perception of the love he feels towards his family, how those emotions make him act on certain activities out of adoration. What it means for him to be married and share parental partnership with his wife by explaining what this type development means and why.
Services such as; mowing the lawn, repairing the car, and sharing laughs with his love ones, …show more content…

An author explained it fairly simple stating, “Marriage typically involves the long-term union of (at least) one woman and (at least) one man.” (Anderson, G. K., & Gray, B. P, 2010, p. 56) Mr. Foccasia has been married approximately, five years yet has been with his wife for a total of twenty years. I looked over the low percentage rate of marriages in the United States. Authors Anderson and Gray researched a high percentage of the single individual who have never been married in the ages ranging from the twenties to twenty-four. While the percentage of single individuals in their forties also have a shocking marriage rate. “84% of men and 72% of women ages twenty to twenty-four had never been married, by ages forty and forty-nine only 14% of men and 10% of women had never married.” (Anderson, G. K., & Gray, B. P, 2010, p. 59) The experience of marriage and raising children have not changed, Mr. Foccasia profound emotions of how he feels towards his …show more content…

Focassia came out to ask her husband for a quick favor. It was no surprise to me how quickly he responded, but he made a comment that made us all share a laugh. “This is how I show my love, though I have not been feed so my love tank is hungry.” What I observed was a healthy relationship among the two couples I lived with. This feeling of love provokes a sense of wonder as to how the human brain produces essential domains such as; emotion and arousal which are connected to the ventral tegmental area (near midbrain) this particular love response is known to produce manifold of dopamine and serotonin. The limbic system located right under the cerebrum is focused primarily on instincts and sex drive. It releases nerve impulses that trigger these types of moods concerning; pleasure, anger, and fear. As well as other areas of the brain such as the prefrontal cortex (acts as a conductor), globus pallidus (regulates movement) and the raphe nuclei (responsible for releasing serotonin). These areas of the brain are not the only functions that correlate to the emotions of love. Many more brain regions play a role in releasing a chemical reaction or activating another set of neurons responsible for why you feel this sensation of love. Could there be such a definition to describe this sensation a significant other has captivated from you ? Helen Fisher (2004)

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