This paper explores the economic, environmental, demographical, and political cons of the human race’ future on another planet. NASA has come to the conclusion that in a few billion years, Earth will cease its existence and the human race will need to find another plant to live on. Although humans will need an alternative habitat to Earth, there are many disadvantages of relocating to the planet Mars. Due to the vast amount of money that is required for going on space missions, countries could potentially end up in debt with other countries. This can also cause an influx in the economy. The change in the environment may not be beneficial to human’s survival. With this, a collection of these influences can really hurt the human population by …show more content…
In some instances, the environment of Mars is drastically different than Earth’s environment. For instance, Mars has a greater distance from the sun than Earth dues, thus the temperature on Mars is colder. In addition, since there is less of a gravitational pull, people on Mars would experience 62.5% less gravity than they would usually feel on Earth. Gravity’s effect on mass determines the weight of something. Since there is less of a gravitational pull on Mars, things weigh less on Mars than they would on Earth. For instance, a person who weighs 100 pounds on Earth would weigh about 38 pounds on …show more content…
Earth has a 23.5 degree tilt, while Mars has a 25 degree tilt. The speed for Mars to travel around the sun is lower, thus creating longer days, years and seasons. While Earth has 24 hours in a day, Mars has about 24 hours and 40 minutes in one full day. It’s commonly known that one year on earth is about 365 earth days, however one year on mars takes about 687 earth days. Since one year on Mars is about twice the length of one year on Earth, the seasons are longer on Mars. Mars’s orbit is slightly elliptical, thus its distance from the sun varies. As a result, Marian season vary in length. While the northern hemisphere in Mars can experiences a longer spring and summer, the southern hemisphere of Mars experiences a longer autumn and
Forming a society on an inhospitable, deserted, and entirely hostile planet was far from being an easy goal. Everyone presented their plan to colonize Mars, but no one had a perfect plan. There was always a spot where a difference was notable, such as the decision of bringing frozen human embryos. The Martian, a movie that was about surviving the Red Planet, also showed notable unique features in the habitat. However, by analyzing the differences of these colonies, combining ideas could have lead to a very efficient colony. Thus, Mars could have been the start of human expansion throughout the solar system.
20. Although it is much colder on Mars than on Earth, the similar tilt of Earth’s and Mars’ axes means they have similar seasons. Like Earth's, Mars’ north and south polar caps shrink in the summer and grow in the winter. In addition, a day on Mars is 24 hours 37 minutes—nearly the same as Earth’s. No other planet shares such similar characteristics with Earth.e 21. Mars’ seasons are twice as long as those on Earth because it takes Mars 687 days to orbit the sun, twice as long as Earth’s 365-day journey.a 22. With no large moon like Earth’s to stabilize it, Mars periodically tilts much more toward the sun, creating warmer summers on Mars than it otherwise would have.d 23. The Earth’s moon is 240,000 miles away. Earth’s next closest neighbor is Venus, which comes as near as 24 million miles. After the moon and Venus, Mars is our next closest neighbor at 34 million miles away—though when Mars and Earth are at the opposite sides of their orbits around the sun, they are separated by 249 million miles.e 24. Mars is home to Hellas, a vast and featureless plain that covers 1300 miles (the size of the Caribbean Sea). It was created by asteroids crashing into the planet’s surface of Mars
May mankind become an interplanetary species in the near future, conquering the planets, and the vastness of space? Martian Metropolis by Meg Thatcher explores the idea that humanity may find itself venturing into new territories and adapting, living and thriving on the red planet. However, a multitude of challenges and difficulties will accompany such a monumental feat for civilization. The Martian environment is extreme, formidable and inhospitable to life. Numerous examples of statistics and data in the text shed light and validate the obstacles obstructing the colonization of Mars, and creating a secondary haven for mankind, such as cosmic radiation, extreme temperature, and the atmospheric composition.
The people that go to mars are risking their lives they can die of many things, including lack of oxygen and sickness. There is no atmosphere on Mars so therefore there is no oxygen which all humans need. The people will try to make an atmosphere by planting plants which let off oxygen, which could easily fail. Some
One Giant Leap For Mankind “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” said Neil Armstrong, the first man to be on the moon. Mankind has benefited so much from the Space Race. The Space Race was a Cold War competition between NASA and the USSR to reach the moon. The Space Race took place from 1957 up until 1975. On May 26, 1961, President Kennedy laid the Soviet challenge before the American people.
It is the year of 2050; earth’s resources are dwindling. As the population increases, society is panicking as to how they are supposed to survive on earth, being that their pure existence has consumed almost all of the necessities to live on the planet. Now the question is, what do they do now? We have been in search of a habitable planet to live on. Robotic missions will be key to researching, gathering data, and figuring out if life on another planet is a plausible option. Radiation exposure and the weather in space are big concerns as to if the human race will be able to even establish planet that is safe to inhabit. Will the human race survive?
On the contrary, opponents of NASA may speculate that overpopulation or ruining our planet will not occur, therefore the time, effort, and money spent on exploring Earth-like planets is useless. In actuality, overpopulation and the diminishing of Earth’s resources and health are working hand in
According to, twenty astronauts have died because of unsafe expeditions to space. These astronauts gave their lives for exploring space, and death is what they were rewarded with. “Why We shouldn’t Go To MARS” by Gregg Easterbrook explains why it is a waste of energy and time, for humans to travel into space. Likewise, the political Cartoon depicts how NASA uses an innumerable amount of money to send astronauts to space. Contrastingly, “Remarks at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center by JFK” by President John F. Kennedy, describes why the mission to Mars is an important one for humanity. As a result, each piece of evidence illustrates an opinion towards the controversial mission to Mars. Even though the opposition may disagree that the United States should be determined to explore Mars, humans should not go to Mars because it will endanger people’s lives and cost a myriad amount of money.
If the sun should die should humans go to mars? According to Laurie Vazquez's article " Could Human Actually Live On Mars" we can't. On Mars there are many challenges to a humans health. Some effects would include: Short term neural damage, memory problems, anxiety, and depression. There is also the problem that the capsules currently in use would be too cramped for the six month journey to mars. These are real and major problems keeping humans from relocating to
Mars is a planet with 36% of gravity to compared the Earth. If on Earth are 100 pounds on Mars it would weigh 36 pounds. Temperature on Mars may reach -81 degrees F and 39 degrees F. Martian summer are short and hot and winters are long and cold. Mars floor is dry and oxidizing. It also receives to many ultraviolet rays. Mars has a very thin atmosphere, consisting mainly of carbon dioxide. Has only 0.03% of water that is a thousand times less than the Earth.
Imagine yourself sending a spouse to space on a mission to test the living conditions on Mars. You spent millions of dollars to send this person there. After a few months, you receive news that your spouse passed away during the mission due to the hazardous conditions in space. Now you are left alone to fend for yourself due to this exploration journey. The source “Why We Shouldn’t Go To Mars” by Gregg Easterbrook is about the many reasons why going to Mars is unsafe and dangerous. On the contrary, the source “Remarks at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center” by JFK is about how space exploration is a very wise idea and should be put into practice. The “Political Cartoon” illustrates how way too much money is being spent on space exploration when it could be spent in other ways. Although others may disagree, that travelling through the galaxies is a great use of time, space exploration is a waste of money, is
Terraforming Mars is one of the most controversial topics on our journey to outer space. The scientific community is unsure of the moral impact of terraforming. Some people and scientists such as SpaceX and Nasa think that it is the right thing to do. However, others disagree. For Philosophy Now, Paul York argues that “While at first sight it might seem as though human beings ought to be able to do whatever they like with a ‘dead’ planet, ... it is by no means a straightforward ethical matter, and may even be morally wrong – a massive act of vandalism, in fact.” Robert Sparrow, a philosophy professor at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, argues that “we should leave Mars alone and drop any and all ideas about terraforming the red landscape”.
Main Point 1: Us humans have overpopulated the earth and will continue to grow if actions aren’t took. We had a population approximate to 7.4 billion people living on earth in 2016. It takes about 40 years to increase the population by 3 billion. Earth can only hold 10 billion people max. Therefore, we will overpopulate the earth around 2040. We need to conquer another planet however, not all planets have the basic elements to sustain life.
Imagine going to mars and living their for your whole life. With all the dangers and concerns on mars how could you ever live a happy life. Mars One is a program that is planning on sending ordinary people to mars. The dangers and risks on mars such as a chance of death,food and water shortening and no way home await this people that are considering going to mars.
Space has always been a place of curiosity for human beings. Whether we should worship the Gods that hide right behind the stars or simply dream to explore it one day. As we move into the 21st century, some people still question what actions should be considered when thinking about space travel. The argument separating the two sides, centers around the possibility of an Earth that has become unsustainable for the inhabitants. While both sides contain valid points the rhetorical devices in the numerous sources vary while also containing similarities. Context, Organization, the diction used, as well as the audience is rhetorical devices used within each piece that contains more information regarding the argument that is trying to be made.