
Marshall Garett: A Short Story

Decent Essays

The first time Artemis had met Marshall Garett it had been his voice that had struck her. If every other voice she had ever come across until that moment was the burning taste of the cheap liquor that sat in her stomach, his was the smoothest, richest brew. It was enough to make even her stubborn ass listen and follow, even back in those early days, where she had gone from being one fighter pilot with only her craft and the comms, to a fully fledged ranger, with the entirety of LOCCENT in her ears, and the whole of Alpha Team in her brain, controlling a jaeger with a brother she was struggling to maintain a successful drift with. But it had been Marshall, with his stupid cowboy hat and southern drawl, reminding her to level out, to trust her brother, her teammates, always there with his hands on the control deck, waiting, poised and ready to have her back at the drop of a hat. She tried to ignore his comment, refusing to grace it with more than a dark flash of her blue eyes, but she couldn’t help contemplating it. He was right, he did know how to draw something out of her, it was why she found his company so satisfying. It pained her to know that he would outlive her, that one day he would be barking orders into …show more content…

She was the absent-minded drunk, especially around those who she trusted, her hard shell stripped back to reveal a glimpse of the wide-eyed child she might have once been. “th’ boy can’t understand the… power of this drink.” It was a conversation they’d had many times before, this was their ritual, peppered with insults, complaints and praises to the booze and a terrible hangover the next morning. Some rangers painted, others did Tai Chi, Artemis Ryland got drunk with her LOCCENT officer. Enough

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